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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Wish I wasn't at work but will give this thing a spin when I am home thanks for the upload
  2. Jesus Christ nice job anytime I try and build something that elaborate it either does not leave the ground or blows up before even hitting my gravity turn. Very well done.
  3. Very nice been browsing through all kinds of stuff while sitting at work and that Phoenix looks fun as hell to fly.
  4. sweet I have been wanting to build a single launch station to build in orbit will check this out and maybe make my own twist on it. Getting it to Duna would be awesome for a midway refuel on the way to jool
  5. Thanks everybody for the suggestion I will give what I have not tried already a go and see where that gets me.
  6. Well as I am sure most have had this problem. That wonderful first landing on the mun and then realizing you have no fuel left. I would love to bring Jeb home and after countless missions always end up several hundred km away from Jebs lander. Anyone have any suggestions I have tried mech jeb and that didn't turn out so well. Any suggestions though are welcome.
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