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Everything posted by DMSP

  1. DMSP


    To keep this thread going: Just.... Please.... Why don't you know about the other one!!! I NEED TO KNOW!
  2. I am really not sure if they flicker.. A charger is the thing you plug in to recharge your computer.
  3. GUYS I FOUND ONE!!!! IF YOU ARE IN THE SPH and you plug in a charger, the lights on the sides of the building will blink!!! I am not sure if this is an easter egg but I think it is!!!
  4. DMSP


    Is Uranus bigger than Pluto? http://www.dvice.com/archives/2011/10/we_now_know_why.php
  5. DMSP


    Oh no! It's a snack attack!!! So this is why my imgur page went down... Talking about snack attacks, I was not dancing well the other day...
  6. Actually, I will not write this story... YET. I will get to it but I just need some time to organize the story.
  7. DMSP


  8. What do you guys think of this? Should I make a story behind it? This is the beginning and I have some sort of plot. It was hot. And yet outside, it was below freezing. I was burnt, we all were. Something had gone wrong… But we had sur- That was all I could think before I felt a massive jolt and blacked-out. In the pitch blackness over the Geponian Tundra, two objects fell. One got lucky. Its parachutes deployed. The other fell, and nothing stopped it. It smashed into the side of a snow covered hill with a thump and the sound of metal being folded and crumpled filled the air. All the snow nearby was thrown into the sky. Then the object exploded. The snow glistened brightly in the firelight, as the other object bumped into the ground, and then rolled over.
  9. DMSP


    It actually says KFG but...
  10. DMSP


    Here we can post fail photos, videos or anything that is a fail!
  11. That's similar to me! I played KSP for 7 months and then joined the forum. So hello from the Czech Republic and welcome to the forum, Fighter117.
  12. I know this is a pretty bad question but I need to know. It will help a lot. Thanks, DMSP.
  13. Lol really bad idea but funny: Enter Jool's atmo with DRE and no heat-shields. http://imgur.com/a/e3Fpd No Kerbals were harmed during this experiment.
  14. Some "Home improvements" for my floating house, "Stingray Cove" http://imgur.com/a/L2r6j#4 Mostly just for fun. I used a very stable plane.
  15. And another mission! http://imgur.com/a/GVDid#0 Launching 8 COMSATs into orbit (Only 5 made it...) Mitmy Kerman is just like Jeb, always smiling...
  16. I really like the way Machut station is going: http://imgur.com/a/3XAnx#0 Another new module+KAS EVA sat building. Lanlock likes sitting inside supplies...
  17. Here is the first one I will post. (I don't have enough photos of the others). http://imgur.com/a/0xscc The Machut Station needed a new module so I sent one up.
  18. Here I will post my many missions.
  19. I had fun around Vall. Lots of fun...
  20. You are in Kalifornia??? CHEATER!!!
  21. Sadly don't bother... The kraken payed a visit... And that was that. Now I just want to work on my shuttles... I made my first successful one last night.
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