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Everything posted by Glubo

  1. Thanks man, ISRU on the push probe was the thing I was missing. This helped me a lot.
  2. Hi, sorry for maybe a dumb question: What is needed for planetary logistics to work? I've tried reading wiki & KSPedia, spend several hours trial and error but got working only local logistics. Can someone please give me an example of what parts (kerbals?) I need to get a working planetary logistics with unmanned driller and manned base? I am using "current stable" from ckan 0.50.18 (or do I need different version?). Thx for reply
  3. Thanks very much problem was that somehow CKAN does not install latest version of Adaption correctly (although version fits), so installing it manually solved my problem.
  4. Just Karbonite and Regolith, but if MKS/OKS is needed, I have no problem of installing it.
  5. Hi, I am sorry for bothering, but can please someone explain to me, how to get working EPL with karbonite only? When I try EPL 5.0.0, with Karbonite 0.5.1, I can't find a way to detect/mine Ore. I've tried it with and without EPL => Regolith adaptation.
  6. Btw. what happened to originaly announced barn-like tier of space center http://imgur.com/a/G2sUx? Will it be released at least as mod? I am really sad to not see this in final .90 release
  7. Yeah, I meant semi-deployed "drogue" phase of chutes.
  8. Hi, was there any changes to parachutes? I have deadly reentry and FAR enabled and i was used to be able to deploy chutes under ~800m/s. Now they will immediately break if i deploy them with speed >~250m/s, no difference on altitude.
  9. I think that hard mode is good for few starting missions, but if you survive first ~five missions, then you must screw really bad several times to get into trouble. And few missions later, things get serios "wtf i can make ~1M cash + ~3k science with a probe worth ~60k and have plenty of spare delta-v in the process". http://imgur.com/a/IUNUT
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