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Xannari Ferrows

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  • About me
    Oxygen torpedo
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    IJN Takao

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  1. Alright, this has gone on long enough. Time for my special attack. Here goes nothin' ... Yeah, that's right. It's literally nothing. I know I can't beat you. And one of your turns, you're just gonna kill me. So, uh, I've decided it's never gonna be your turn, ever. I'm just gonna keep having my turn until you give up, even if it means we have to stand here until the end of time. Capiche? ... Yeah yeah this isn't my quote. Whatever. Anyway, I know how you work. I can see it in you. It's not determination, but it seems to be similar in function. Several breaks in the timeline just seem to randomly happen, and I bet I know who's responsible. You've got some nerve, you know that? ... I've seen how this game ends. You'll eventually do everything there is to do. See every line of text, collect every bit of science, go to every moon or planet thing out there, and then what? You'll do it over and over again, just for "fun". It's not like you'll ever be satisfied, so why persevere? ... You've got some patience, I'll give you that. But I gotta wonder... Why? You can just go back right now, and I wont remember any of this. It's not like I can stop you or anything. I can't control that kind of stuff, so I can't beat you, but you can't beat me either. If worse comes to worse, which I hope doesn't happen, I can terminate this timeline for good. Maybe I can't move along it or control how it works, but I can get rid of it ... I don't know. I'll never be able to understand you. You're a strange being, you know that? You don't really make any sense. I don't even know if you understand any of this, so I'll do the one thing I elected to do. We're gonna stand here forever, either until you leave here, or the universe ends. Whichever comes last
  2. Wait, Xan, don't leave!  please!

    1. Xannari Ferrows
    2. Sampa


      ok, my mistake...I was just a bit afraid of my short answer earlier so I made a change...

  3. ok, well, good night, Xan.

    1. Sampa


      I was not so talkative today...did not know what to say...

  4. I will return later...heading home from school and stopping at gas station

  5. still there?

    1. Xannari Ferrows
    2. Sampa


      I has derped, I guess... *facepalm*

  6. When you're the only one to get an obscure Empire Strike Back In the middle of a college cinema I am not making this up
  7. Names that start with T always sound cool. How about Tambor, Thresher, or Triton? |This is a thing I'm doing|
  8. well, good night, Xan

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