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Everything posted by WarrenSchultz

  1. Huh. That's odd. On the current build, in Translation mode, it was saying no RCS was attached to the craft. *shrug* I'll poke at it some more. Doing about a dozen things at once now, so I may have missed something. Edit: This is for a LFO RCS.
  2. Would it be possible to support ModuleRCSFX? Thanks!
  3. Before 0.90 hit, I was playing with a 4-way vernier with multiple nozzles in each direction. The odd thing was, the way the math is working somewhere behind the scenes, the more power I give the thrusters, the less visual feedback I get. Thoughts? Am I performing a dumb here? MODULE { name = ModuleRCSFX thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster thrusterPower = 12 resourceName = LiquidFuel PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 250 key = 1 130 } }
  4. That sounds like the sanest way to tackle it. Thanks!
  5. Is it possible to switch to stock toolbar support? Reducing another prereq would be nice.
  6. Yup, still love this mod. Please continue the symmetry tools
  7. Hm. I didn't think so, because it was a newly-loaded craft, however if the issue persists in the craft save file, then it is possible. If i start with a "new" hinge, I'm able to reproduce your demonstration in the video quickly. Either way, it is probably the same issue. Thanks!
  8. Looking at the tall 90 degree hinge, 0 degrees appears to actually be -1 degree. ie, it seems to push slightly beyond the 90 degree limit when at its extent. The setting of 1 degree is perpendicular to the attachment axis. This is most obvious when using long girder segments, as they stick into the side of the craft over their length.
  9. Are you on 1.44 or 1.47? I was having mass scaling issues with 1.47, so I dropped back to 1.44, and it seems to be working fine.
  10. Hazens1, take a look at the ScaleExponents.cfg in the folder, you can see where he modifies the breaking forces.
  11. 0.1.3 is live. Known issue: RCS effects not displaying properly for the Vernier RCS block. Looking into that still.
  12. Been a busy week. Just finished the RC1. Taking pictures and updating the thread shortly
  13. MonkeyWrench will be updated soon... once a few other mods have fully updated for 1.0, there will be a number of changes coming. KAS/KIS switchover being one of the biggest. Need a bit more power for maneuvering large ships? Is Deadly Reentry and FAR burning your snacks? Ever realize that you forgot a key gizmo on your latest (very expensive) launch? Want to grab that science container to stick into a cargo bay? Realize that it would be much nicer if you could take a short EVA jaunt and send your report back via radio without returning to the craft? If you answered "YES!!!" to any of these questions, MonkeyWrench Labs can help you. Custom configuration file for Kerbal Attachment System that allows for significant reconfiguration of spacecraft and stations already in orbit. New Vernier Omni RCS. (Lots of power, uses LFO instead of monoprop) Short range radio added to Universal Storage EVA-X pack for RemoteTech. (Send your EVA reports without returning to the lander) MechJeb added to the EVA-X as well. (For additional heads-up display information) (KAS, MechJeb, Universal Storage and RemoteTech required for above functionality, not included) Download at GitHub // v0.1.6 // Added cargo drop pod for safe reentry when using FAR/DRE // Reorganized art asset structure // Updated to ModuleRCSFX v3.3 // v0.1.5 // *** Initial Release *** // Increased scale options for most Infernal Robotics parts (Now in Huge Size!) // * Outfitter Maintenance Drone radio // Remove KAS container TweakScale customizations, thanks to the 1.47 release of TweakScale which does the same thing // Externalized config files for 3rd-party mods // * 5m refinery // * Reconfigure Universal Storage safety decoupler // Updated to ModuleRCSFX v3.2 Other features KAS grab & store: (Adjusted by size for balance) B9 Aerospace DMagic Orbital Science Small Hex Cans Interstellar Kerbal Attachment System Storage containers now scale with TweakScale size adjustments [*]KW [*]MechJeb Add 1km RemoteTech antenna [*]RealChute [*]RemoteTech [*]StationScience [*]SurfaceLights [*]SCANsat [*]Squad (Additional stock parts, with storage size & balance adjustments) Power generation to launch clamps (Don't run out of electricity waiting for your launch window) KAS Node dock capability for 1x and 3x truss segments (Throw together an end-to-end structure quickly) Current status: Adding parts, tweaking values. This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.
  14. Which is why the combination of these two mods is great for making low-part-count craft.
  15. Using RemoteTech, I had placed a Communitron antenna in a science bay, and it got ripped out during launch. Not a huge deal by any means, but I presumed that wasn't intended.
  16. Looks great. Added the latest version to my mod tracking list. (Earthshine is also a song by Rush
  17. Is it just me, or are the safety decouplers not respecting the "do not stage" switch? (I re-enabled them in the config file). I thought the only issue was supposed to be fuel calc? I'm looking forward to those cap pieces you mentioned. Deadly Reentry+FAR would be much happier that way. Also, is it possible to configure the slices to be configured as cargo bays for FAR? (Currently I'm adding them in the debug settings for FAR)
  18. I'm having the same issue as Hupherius with MFT 5.2.1, MM 2.5.1, TS 1.44.
  19. Thank you, I noticed RIGHT after I posted it, as I was leaving, and didn't have time to fix. *facepalm*
  20. http://warrenschultz.com/ksp-tips-remotetech-mechjeb-and-flight-engineer/
  21. I'm actually in the process of writing up the mods I use, and their compatibility with 0.25. http://warrenschultz.com/kerbal-space-program-mods-v-0-25-edition/ Last I checked, firespitter was making things cranky, so that has limited my ability to check some of the bigger mods I use frequently. *** Edit *** Firespitter DLL is available (linked above). Added a number of new mods.
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