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Everything posted by xiombargdei

  1. Yes i tried turning everything off, with no luck When i try to steer the craft, i see the yaw/roll/pitch cursors move but nothing happens. I can also turn engines on/off and this works ok. But i can not point to any other direction
  2. I'm suddenly unable to control this spacecraft. Everything went fine until a moment when i cant move it in any direction. Have electricity / batteries / solar panels Have fuel Have gimbal engine Have NOT remote tech Have tried with mechjeb on or off Am NOT in timewarp Have tried switching to another craft which works fine, then back, no luck Have tried save / reload : no luck Have tried rebooting the game : no luck bug ?
  3. Thanks a lot for your answers. Disable some mods it is then. Waiting for the stable 64b exe
  4. It just crashed when returning to the space center with a memory usage of 3.662.540K
  5. Can anyone help me with my constant crashes ? I cant play 10mn without a CTD windows 7 64b with 8 gib RAM "only" 31 mods and no heavy graphical mods (only planetshine) no RO / RSS crashes happen when reaching around 6gib RAM not using the 64bit exe https://www.dropbox.com/s/k6l2ih5dtbc39de/output_log.txt?dl=0
  6. thank you all I'm not into modelling and texturing yet, more into scripting and understanding how different mods work together, but I will check your links when the time comes
  7. its interesting to read so many people say that "Squad has enough funds" when nobody can provide precise figures.
  8. thanks i'll get into scripting and hopefuly "put my brick on the wall" !
  9. Thanks Kermunist, your explanations are very clear Well my goal is not to resurect a mod all by myself. Have a look at the RP-0 to-do list. I feel there are several things i can do there, like " Move parts as appropriate for the new tree. " or " Add some basic ContractConfigurator contracts " and " Update our tree changes for the new CTT ". As I understand it, this is basicaly move things around and find a good balance. To test my changes i think i'll need to compile the mod. How do you recommend i do that ?
  10. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I heard the game is easily moddable and the community is super nice so I wanted to propose my help to update a mod ( RP-0 ). But I'm not a programmer ; i realize i lack so much vocabulary to even understand where to start. First help me set up a "work copy" of ksp (i have a dual-boot windows and linux Mint 64b) i have a fresh untouched copy of KSP I have a "game" copy of KSP with like 30 mods, including Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul and the mod version of Real Progression 0, which is supposed to add carrer-friendliness to RSS+Ro I have a "work" copy of KSP with all the same mods except for the version of RP-0, which is the version i got from github When i launch the game, RP-0 is not loaded. So if i modify something in the mod files it will not appear in the game. What should I do ? Then i installed " git " but i dont know how to use it. What is a "repository" ? What means "commit" ? How do i tell git to look into my RP-0 work folder to track the changes ? So yeah, generaly speaking, where do i start If anyone could share his modding knowledge with me, that would be much appreciated
  11. i wanted to support Squad by buying some stuff from the shops, but everything is so ugly (I might get a mug though)
  12. It was a several days journey from buying a dedicated SSD to host Linux Mint 64b to configuring my video card driver to installing KSP+RSS+RO. Now all I need is a working RP-0 for maximum and total enjoyment. Good news : i'm in holidays soon and i'll have plenty of time to help. Please, PM me how i can help (my scripting skill is < 0 )
  13. How do you guys set up a nice carreer mode with RSS+RO+KCT ? I have maybe 20 mods installed (most of them are dependencies of RO), RP-0 seems out of date though. I didnt want to install that many parts mods at first, like FASA or TAC as they bug me with too many parts i dont know what to do with. KW Rocketry seems to crash (though i didnt test it myself) Which contract pack do you use ? Which engine pack do you use ? Which tech tree do you use ? How do you set KCT up so you dont end with either 2000days research time / 2000 days build time / no science at all in the beginning ? I'd like to have a more difficult and immersive experience than with stock, but with a nice learning curve. Thanks for any tips
  14. I havent played 1.0.3 or 1.0.4 yet because CKAN forbids me to install mods that are considered "incompatible"
  15. OK tried to install Mint on my PC, boot from DvD then ... black screen with white square on the top left and nothing happens ..... Quick search on the internet gave me 2 solutions : nomodeset on the welcome screen, and maybe disable secure boot from BIOS if I have it. A bit off topic : why is linux always giving hard time for the most basic things (ie. installing ...), or is it that we have been used to too much easyness from 'crosoft ?
  16. Green lights seem everywhere so i'll give it a go after work !
  17. I'm a windows user, but i'm interested in installing linux in dual boot for the sole purpose of playing KSP 64 bits with mods the "rightful" way. Here is a bunch of (almost) yes/no questions for anyone who can help me decide if its feasable : Is KSP compatible with Linux Mint ? Can I install Steam on a linux system ? Will Steam detects it is on Linux and download a linux-based KSP ? Is CKAN compatible with Linux ? Will I get CKAN GUI or be forced to use command line ? Are all and any mods compatible with Linux or only some of them ? Some mods disable themselves on windows 64. Do they do the same on linux 64 ? Can is use my linux-ksp saves on a windows-ksp installation and vice versa ? Is there anything else i should know/be aware of ? thanks
  18. I absolutly love this mod but i'm not using community tech tree, i'm using Open Tree. Is there a ready to use cfg file somewhere ? If i modify the cfg myself, will I break anything ?
  19. This hapened to me once with parachute data. You might want to delete a file in your /ksp directory (i think its partdata.cfg or something, i'm at work right now) save the file and your saves, delete the file, launch the game, it will be forced to recalculate everything, see if that works.
  20. I bought KSP on a special steam sales at 20€ if i remember correctly, back on v0.21. I feel a bit ashamed now, and wish i could send more money at them. I considered buying goodies, but 45$ on a shirt and a small sized mug seem far too much on the other hand.
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