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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. Are you running a 64bit workaround? The Module Manager does that if you are.
  2. @BahamutoD Is the ability to fire two types of guns planned in the near future? Having the ability to fire 30mms and vulcans for a defense system is simply irresistible.
  3. Some are noteworthy like the KER and No Offset limits. But no stock alike wings pack. I may have to use the PWings after all. Thanks for your time.
  4. I was going for a more stock-alike pack, but procedural wing look pretty nice. If you can find anything else, can you inform me? Thanks.
  5. I'm looking for a mod that expands the current roster of available wing and elevon parts. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello and welcome to the forums, Phell! Nice diary and gallery you got there, love to see more from you!
  7. Hear, hear. I've heard about the max physics delta time tweak, but I've never went anywhere near it with the thinking it will summon the kraken more often. I need a little harm to come to KSP.
  8. Apparently, a Phenom II and GTX 750 Ti isn't not going to do KSP any favors anytime soon. While we're on topic, how would we improve performance? It seems like the biggest question anyone can ask before 1.1 befalls on us.
  9. It is very frustrating (read: frustrating) to just even play KSP, because it starts to lag anywhere a craft with 100+ parts. Is KSP unoptimized or the mods to blame?
  10. I mainly use BD Armory, and I'm having a major head scratch moment because of the part limitations. At 75 parts, KSP runs at a playable 35 FPS. At 100, 20 FPS AT 150, a well nigh impossible to play 4 FPS. Are the mods installed to blame or the generally un-optimized state of the game? I have AMD Phenom II X6 1055T with GTX 750 Ti as the GPU.
  11. It seems like mod conflict or improper install. Did you use CKAN?
  12. Totally loving the missile variety, but is better missile effects in the plans? As of right now, they are pretty much lackluster.
  13. Tried both, it wasn't what I was looking for, but it is close enough. Would there be any alternatives left?
  14. Much like the elevon deflections found on FAR, only without the entire aerodynamics rework.
  15. An easier alternative would be to just copy-paste the existing cfg from the bomb already included with the mod and change the values as you see fit. No need to contact a movie producer and asking him to perform his exclusive explosive magic.
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