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    Curious George

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  1. Nope, it is this addons shaders. KSPs shaders are very basic. I bet it had. I haven't investigated too much, we should ask @blackrack to be sure. This might be the problem. Firstly, there is alot of different GPUs by Intel, so at least state which one you have. Secondly, some migh had poor support by Unity3D and got good support now so shaders actually started working for you => so here comes framerate drop. Fourthly, as sad as truth, if you are looking for graphics — you sholuld have graphics card. Integrated ones this days are good for basic stuff, but they won't be good with anything advanced or intense.
  2. People adviceing to look in your ksp log for this issue. Framerate should be lower than without this addon, but not terrible. Also, with Unity3D update, shaders should be more advanced. As for me, they are finally working (they was broken for all the previous versions so I played with fallback versions), but this is mostly due to poor GNU/Linux support from Unity3D, which is finally got fixed a little.
  3. Not working like at all with this one. Also settings dialog turned to thingie that says to press ALTs and Fs, but it is not working. Logs have megabytes of ArgumentException: Getting control 1's position in a group with only 1 controls when doing Repaint Aborting UnityEngine.GUILayoutGroup.GetNext () UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.DoGetRect (UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) UnityEngine.GUILayout.DoToggle (Boolean value, UnityEngine.GUIContent content, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) UnityEngine.GUILayout.Toggle (Boolean value, System.String text, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) scatterer.Core.DrawScattererWindow (Int32 windowId) UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
  4. Water is missing and log is 14 megabytes for 1.2.1564 MissingFieldException: Field '.MapView.MapIsEnabled' not found. UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
  5. Do not swear, I will post some good bug reports as soon as I encounter any. Meanwhile, thanks for your contribution to software freedom.
  6. They sure not, but why not add them to some distant future TODO list? There is sure a way to fix it. It may be dark and scary way, but I am sure it exists somewhere.
  7. @blackrack Okay, relaunched KSP, landed, this time switching to map and back does not broke FPS. Yet there is more problemos. As I landed, everything seem to be okay except that rings on water (there should be a way to fix this): And that nasty black thing on horizon: Yet as soon as I moved camera a little down: A little less down, double water: And little less, this one seems acceptable: Log, just in case: https://mega.nz/#!AkYRhLBC!GlJw0TLCD8rP4P3MebM-pVVEORpNaadV8_p9UJHRHtI
  8. Tried latest one that is in the first post. That nasty black things on horizon is still there but its a lot less a thing than it was for 1.1: Lens flare does not seem to be very round. Should it be that way? And then I switched to map and back and my FPS is gone =( It was all my beloved 120 per second, double press on [M] key and it dropped to around 20, even for space center and main menu. Log: https://mega.nz/#!d55nmC7R!WgnA-2_a-XrjN4a-JMsC9KNjRimL8rlBGWNaCFXRpoU
  9. Does not seem to work T_T FPS is fine and log is not flooded anymore, but water is just gone. Tried turning off everything but water shader, water is just not there.
  10. I can just wait for the fix, I am not in a hurry for playing. Sadly for the deserve, this mod is GNU GPL v3 (thanks to you, sincerely) so I can run it wherever and whenever I want.
  11. I know nothing about mac nor about chese. I am on Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity 7.4 as DE and Compiz 0.9.12 as compositor. Anything less than 60fps is not playable for me.
  12. Damn those meganz, told em not to encrypt my files but they still do Those should work: 700MB log: https://mega.nz/#!0xIwVAJS!bgYth1KcbnV_BBKpPHzwq06-NyaAX950zgEzuyQOMkI 200MB log: https://mega.nz/#!d55nmC7R!WgnA-2_a-XrjN4a-JMsC9KNjRimL8rlBGWNaCFXRpoU Thanks, I know how logs should be. Yet blackrack made Scatterer this way.
  13. Just quick look reveals megabytes of this: IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "/home/goury/proprietary/ksp-1.2-pre/GameData/scatterer/sunflare/home/goury/proprietary/ksp-1.2-pre/GameData/scatterer/sunflare/Sun/sunSpikes.png". System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) System.IO.File.OpenRead (System.String path) System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes (System.String path) scatterer.SunFlare.start () scatterer.Core.Update () and this: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object scatterer.SunFlare.OnPreRender () So I wonder: How and why ITH it looks in /home/goury/proprietary/ksp-1.2-pre/GameData/scatterer/sunflare/home/goury/proprietary/ksp-1.2-pre/GameData/scatterer/sunflare/Sun/sunSpikes.png while game is in /home/goury/proprietary/ksp-1.2-pre and path is set exacly there for execution? Why does this thing tries to load this sunSpikes so many times? It's failed for many times, shouldn't there be retry timeout and limit? Yet sunflare is not the only thing that is not working. There is clearly no water and it may be that there is no nothing at all and the reason for not having glitches like with older versions is actually their non-existence. T_T
  14. Yet it is. This is not your шindoшs, there is nothing to reinstall. The log is fresh, the only mods I have is Scatterer and KER, 700MB was logged just in few minutes. Especially for you, here is log of just few minutes of fresh KSP with just Scatterer and Sqad in GameData: https://mega.nz/#!d55nmC7R KSP with just Sqad produces about 100kb of log per day. I am not too good with C# so I can't just go and debug it, sorry.
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