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    Curious George

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  1. I'll report that have also experienced this, on two saves in a row, the second of which I didn't even have anything in space, it just seems to happen if I warp down after ~70 days of gameplay. Unfortunately, I'm running a sort of "high-risk" mod set (i.e. featuring at least one mod marked as not compatible with 1.12), so I don't particularly think posting a save would be helpful, as I could just be having unrelated issues.
  2. I would only recommend CKAN if you are incapable of navigating your file system or unable to wrap your head around zip files. OP doesn't have problems with installing mods, just stemam doing something unexpected. In fact, since CKAN requires the user to specify the folder for most installs, it would have failed the exact same way.
  3. For what it's worth, I have succesfully written a plugin in Boo in the past implementing a part module that could be used to slow down time. No idea where anyone got the impression that only C# could be used.
  4. OPM won't cause any problems unless you do something weird with OPM's own bodies.
  5. And btw: the weird name in the NHReparent config breaks RemoteTech. Renaming it to Kirbin fixed the issue.
  6. It's the issue where any objects in orbit around Kerbin tend to end up with severe orbital decay due to issues with reparenting Kerbin, which is almost definitely a problem with Kopernicus and not something I would really go here to bother about... in fact, I'd probably end up going and fixing it myself if it really bothered me, though that's really more of a personal problem than anything (really, pointing out an issue before going gung-ho to fix it is probably a good idea).
  7. ? No, I just think any issues should be on github, but I'm also not as familiar with the zeitgeist regarding error reporting in this particular modding community. Dwarf Fortress is small enough that it's a person-by-person basis (I personally prefer github issues), but KSP seems to have a good deal of sort of unspoken agreed-upon standards for a variety of things and I don't particularly want to stomp around and yell that people should do it my way. I guess the way I asked the question sounded more like "why aren't you putting it on there" than the literal "why isn't it on there", huh.
  8. Then why exactly isn't it an issue with Kopernicus? Or am I just missing it?
  9. Oh, trust me, I know how hard it can get. I've actually cheated to make creatures I've made harder to kill.
  10. Easy mode isn't much easier than hard mode these days. Food is trivial, once you know how to farm. Really, it's just getting to know that's the hard part. Once you know how to get a sustainable fortress up, the game is almost too easy right now.
  11. No, procedural parts seems to use TankContentSwitcher in its own content files exactly the same way the CryoTanks patch patches it... unless I'm misunderstanding something real subtle. EDIT: Just tested, the fix I posted above seems to work. If it does break compatibility with those who have MFT but not PP... I don't see how, since it only seems to patch PP parts, unless MFT uses parts with the same name.
  12. The Procedural Parts patch doesn't work without Modular Fuel Tanks installed due to this: @PART[procedural*Liquid]:NEEDS[ModularFuelTanks&!RealFuels]:FOR[CryoTanks] Fix: @PART[procedural*Liquid]:NEEDS[ProceduralParts&!RealFuels]:FOR[CryoTanks]
  13. I think TAC-LS requires a config to work with UKS but then said config might also might be included in UKS, I don't quite remember. I know for a fact that it exists.
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