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  1. Don't worry had the same issue working this week was a pain in the ass. But ist FRIDAY ;D
  2. Hi dtobi, I hope you still folow this thread. Normaly i was just downloading Mods from here and stayed silent over the time. I liked your mod very much. But after i wanted to install your mod yesterday again for 0.25 i saw that you discountinued your work so I registerd for the Forums to contact you. I'm interested in continuing your work. But because my KSP moding experience is very limited I would prefer looking at the source Code before i make my final desicion. I have plenty of experience in Programming in C# so it shoudln't be a big problem to work me into your Code and decide if i want to continue your work. It would be nice if you can contact me for further informations. just to be save that you recive this message i will write you a pm too. Greetings Shnoo
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