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Everything posted by Ascensiam

  1. Holy cow the textwall/caps density here is reaching critical levels. We don\'t want this shut down, so everyone, please, calm down.
  2. Meh, probably just an error. Were you using that? Sorry, i\'ll be going.
  3. The same for me, it felt like a disappointment to see people waving grades around like a prize, they need a healthy portion of communist scandinavian thought, all of them.
  4. Wow, well then, things will work out here, i am fairly certain, i hope it works out for you as well.
  5. Yes, the amount and quality of the mods for an indie game like this is amazing Enjoy.
  6. Actually before you start calling it useless, we did manage some very important things from that chat. - The majority agreed we need to stick to one forum, this means our efforts will be collected and will survive. - The majority agreed a stricter ruleset is ideal, this will strongly assist in the survivability of the new forum. In addition, we agreed on computer-generated resources and point-based superweapon projects, all of it very important. Finally we also got to answer a few important questions.
  7. It\'s special to me, whatcha gonna do about it?
  8. One of the cities in Taheireaz. Herkelon is right next to the KSC fanon-wise
  9. I intend to retain when the time comes, i believe it is best to keep KSC near Herkelon.
  10. My insignificant self at an insignificant location in our insignificant world I am 15 in this picture, and standing in the middle of a round-about at the end of the Champs-Élysées. Fortunately, a man called Napoléon built a big marble thingie in the middle of it so i could take this picture with quite the view! That\'s the Defense over there, it\'s appareantly important to the business of Ãle-de-France. Anywho, i didn\'t have any better, might get it one day, i currently don\'t have any good camera beyond the one in my phone.
  11. Gods, Radion, you just did it again.. *Grabs spartan shield*
  12. Could\'ve been Zuckerberg!
  13. Oh god, i will be on my bad comp while all this happens, so i can\'t get that title despite having all the equipment at my other place.
  14. Excellent job, did you know Minmus is easier than the Mun? Try doing that too if you haven\'t.
  15. I have evaded using a google account and is doing it to this day, like timeline on facebook. And i am using Chrome, so i can\'t avoid the \'\'SIGN-UP AND ENJOY, BLARGHBHRGHB\'\'
  16. I made this suggestion in the first place and that is not what i had in mind. Radion can butcher the suggestion like he sees fit, though.
  17. People are in the mood for tests at this time anyways, how\'s another one gonna bug ya? Yeah, i know.
  18. That needs to be a mod, now go do it!
  19. I risk other people becoming unable to attend if i nudge it any further (think of the non-westerners too.) I will log the entire convo.
  20. I didn\'t write CET, i wrote Central European Time, the time for France/Germany/Spain etc.
  21. Yeah, you\'ve got that right. It seems we\'ve got five or six running opinions about what we\'re trying to do here, if the creators can come in and give all the roleplayers an answering round, things will work out one way or another.
  22. I hope you\'ll be showing up for the IRC meeting, we\'ll be able to let our mind open there. We can say our piece and make our peace. While it is evident that this forum will be under able hands, there\'s people and other forums making this harder and harder, the very least we can do is forming some sort of cooperation.
  23. Enjoy your stay, there\'s always room for more enthusiasts!
  24. This isn\'t your video, you know, i remember seeing this a good while earlier. Also, technically, that was not an orbit, that was controlled descent. An actual orbit which i did was at 2,3km at an angle, where at one point on the orbit it zips past a mountain top at 17 metres.
  25. Ascensiam


    You can find plenty of assistance in the mod section of the forum, there are quite a few like you and they are ready to help.
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