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Adam Smeeh

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Everything posted by Adam Smeeh

  1. SOLUTION: Calling all Kerbalnauts who are having difficulty in running Anti-Sanity\'s excellent 'Kerbal Image Converter'. I believe the 'Kerbal Image Converter' requires that you have 'MS.NET Framework 4' already installed on your PC for it to successfully run. Here\'s the background as I understand it... The red tint on mesh skins is the effect of the older 24bit PNG file format (Win XP) which when saving, would automatically remove the Alpha channel (transparent background) if it was empty. KSP expects 32bit PNG files which do include an Alpha channel. So, when KSP encounters a 24bit PNG with no Alpha channel, it ends up displaying a default semi-transparent red over all the channels. (i.e. 8bit for Red + 8bit for Green + 8bit for Blue channels = 24bit + 8bit for Alpha = 32bit) Use the \'Kerbal Image Converter\' to batch convert *ALL* the 24bit PNG files in the \'Parts\' folder to 32bit format in one simple step! • Make sure you have already installed 'MS.NET Framework 4' or else , the 'Kerbal Image Converter' will not run successfully. • If you don\'t have 'MS.NET Framework 4' already installed, download and install it now. Here\'s a link to Microsoft site where you can download it: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17718 • Place the 'KerbalImageConverter.exe' file in your KSP folder. (Where your 'KSP.exe' file is located.) *NOT* in the \'Parts\' folder. • Now run the 'KerbalImageConverter.exe' file and it will automatically scan all the files in your \'Parts\' folder and convert those pesky 24bit files (no alpha) to the desired 32bit format (with alpha). Now you can sit back and relax, knowing all your \'parts\' are no longer... red... ahem! Job done ;D
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