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Everything posted by bakanando

  1. For some reason, KER is not accounting for thrust/isp loss at low atmosphere. The LV-30 might go to orbit alone, but I don't think the LV-909 can.
  2. This looks like a graphics driver problem, possibly with 3D acceleration. Try reinstalling or updating your drivers to the latest driver for your card, update opengl, and check if Direct Rendering is working.
  3. As you said, this is completely game breaking. I was lucky to unmake it, but I don't have a clue as to what saved me. The only thing I remember is I had removed a section (more than one part at the end) of the ship when this happened. If it happens again try undoing it with control+z to see if it reverts the bug.
  4. Is this with any cockpit? Have you tried putting another part below (either from the same mod or stock) the cockpit or some strutting? I know this is not a solution, but could be a workaround hack.
  5. The wings are too close to the giant panels for comfort. They weren't extended when you were docking, were they? If they were, my salutes to you and your awesome skills. O_O It does indeed look gigantic in comparison, never realized spaceplanes were that big compared to standard station rigs.
  6. Your ship is clipping out of the SPH, first fix that to see if it fixes your problem. To do that, select the translation widget (press 2), click the root part and reset the translation with spacebar.
  7. Yeah, parts count was the biggest problem. I reduced it to 150 parts while still keeping the same shape and added the glaringly missing docking port jr.'s. It seems that building something while sleep depraved is not that good an idea. I'd rather have something that is useful for everyone than having a pretty station that nobody will use. I'll either launch the improved version of the Hub or launch a different design with 100 parts (or less if at all possible). I'll make the desing today and upload the pics of both stations so everyone can decide which to use. The other one has to go, so I'll either move it into a graveyard orbit, deorbit it (or decomission it from the control center), shoot it out of the kerbin system, send it to Minmus, or send it to a trans-minmusian orbit as a kerbal prison. I don't know wether it has enough dV for any option beyond deorbiting it, but I think it can at least escape the kerbin system.
  8. Very strange indeed. It looks like some kind of vector gradient, but of what?
  9. With the new aero infiniglide will be vanquished, but now they can just launch from space. lol (You'll still need to circularize though) Btw, what happens to the launch clamps? Are they attached to the 'floor'? I wonder whether the devs will fix it before or after releasing 1.0 (yes, I still have some faith in them).
  10. In all honesty, out of the pictures alone I can't understand what is happening. Please post more pictures of the ascent stages and comment on each of them for more clarity. Taking out the big tank and adding the fuel to the side boosters will reduce the length and help with balance. It looks that you decouple some stages before the pics so I can't really say how can it be done without breaking the whole ship. The rockomax decoupler has some reputation as being extremely wobbly, try changing it for a separator (the blue one) instead. Disable any SAS modules or control surfaces in the upper stages, the SAS could be countering itself and creating even worse bending. Use some RCS for control, it can help keep the ship stable without too much applied force in any one section. Some control surfaces at the bottom stage can help stabilizing and turning too.
  11. The gimbaling engine will give you the worst wobble so locking it will help. But as was mentioned earlier, this is an implementation bug (feature?) that is better fixed by not using it. Struts and disabling one or two control parts will definitely help though.
  12. I had this problem too, with detached parts from the ship being 'attached' and unable to delete. Sadly, I don't remember how I fixed it. It was either ctrl+z or deleting the whole section and redo it. Try launching some other craft directly from the launch pad, sometimes that clears the VAB/SPH. Posting logs and the persistence files could help finding the culprit too (and fixing your craft). Yes, it is a frustrating bug but I don't really know how to replicate it. As far as I remember, my ship didn't have that many parts though -less than 150-. If I remember anything else, I'll post here. Edit: It seems this is in modded installs, mine is stock and this still happened.
  13. If there are no complaints, I'll start the first turn of cycle 2 in an hour by fixing the station (and de-orbiting or lifting to a thrash orbit the current one). I'll launch the crew transfer vehicles too. I won't do much this cycle so anyone else can play today too. Will probably finish my turn around two hours after starting. (So around 03/29 @1:00 a.m. UTC) Edit: I got no reply so I'll wait till 4:00 a.m. UTC to play. If anyone else wants to go beforehand you are welcome to. Also, any comments or ideas on the station would be nice.
  14. Getting below 1m/s around 100m from target is a very nice approach indeed. That is not a flub, it's an achievement. You will always need to modify your relative speed for docking/pointing to an precise part of a vessel. Next time, try using RCS when you are close enough so you move directly towards your target at speeds below 5m/s. It looks like you already control the methods for rendez-vous and docking. Congrats
  15. Are we starting the second cycle soon? I wouldn't like to leave the weekend segment without at least someone playing.
  16. I haven't done real time missions, but in my career save I use most 10+ minute openings between different missions for launches and testings so it mostly goes without much time warping. I do time warp when approaching a mission objective so I don't have to wait that down time. This does lead to some trouble when having overlapping maneuver plans, I had to change between ships with 30 second margins a couple of times and it feels good when you manage all without having to do any quickloads. BTW, beware of crashes!
  17. The Dugong looks like a VW buggy with wings. How heavy is it when full? Very nice.
  18. Give it another day at least, and for Thunderous Echo to reply.
  19. I think that developers reading the criticism about their work would just frustrate them. On the other hand, if they made quality work instead of rushed stuff the criticism would be less (people will always complain). It is sad that of the latest additions to the game, most if not all good ones were from people outside the core dev team. Everything else has had such a mediocre quality that expecting more lazy and/or mediocre features is just being realistic. I don't really see FAR or Deadly Reentry dying just because of stock implementations. If they do, the modders should be proud about their work anyways. Making something essential to a game before the devs implement it takes time and effort, whether they buy it from the modder or make it from scratch the initial implementation should get at least some credit.
  20. Nice video you made there. So now there's three stations in kerbin, considering the part count on mine it might not get much use sadly. I have to fix some stuff (some part reduction, and adding some clamp jr. to one side) on it though, so I might de-orbit, fix and re-launch the station in my next turn. I'm working on the crew delivery vehicles in another save for efficient use of my turn, I'll post them here when I finish and test launch them.
  21. I wonder why Squak didn't think an unsigned values. It is a quick hack and would still be better than having the overflow go negative... Not many players would ever reach years above 100 anyways.
  22. Oops, I completely forgot about Jr. clamp o trons. My bad. Next turn I'll a couple of adapters to the inline docking ports for them. Sorry. Edit: I'll return Corey to kerbin when I test the crew retrieval system too. Now to wait for cycle #2
  23. You can move him to the hub, that's what it was meant for Leave the ship docked if you want, too.
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