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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. Had fun with thrust reversers and Goliaths, and made my first jet in 1.0.5: the "Reverso": Last picture was taken at 400+ m/s
  2. Yep, I noticed And I think they thrust backwards as strong as they do forwards: this thing pulls out 4g when thrust reversing at >Mach 1. Flies surprisingly good also, even for me, considering I never succeeded in properly flying a plane in KSP.
  3. Wait, so the engines can actually thrust backwards, or just slow down the plane ? If it is the first option, then I have an idea
  4. I'd say unbalanced. That or the Mammoth is indeed overpowered and SRBs underpowered.
  5. I just had this idea of adding tenths and hundredth of seconds in the F3 menu (or in the debug as well) for better accuracy concerning any events that might happen during the flight (understand explosion). While the current system shows events chronologically, it becomes really hard to see what caused the explosion if you have a 100+ parts rocket blowing up in an instant. Also, I don't know if KSP already calculates times to that accuracy. If not, then this might decrease performance, and then I would understand why this is not in the game. I don't remember seeing this suggestion recently on the forums, neither do I know any mod adding this; so sorry if this has already been suggested/made.
  6. Oh, OK, somehow I was assuming LEO since the beginning. Anyway, don't listen to me for anything about unmanned missions, this is not my job.
  7. Wait, what is your sat made of ? I am not that familiar with RemoteTech, but comsats don't weigh 9t, do they ?
  8. For launching the sats ? ZNG mentioned using a Saturn I (which I personally find overkill with its 9t to LEO, but we'll try to stick with Apollo hardware), a IB would just be too powerfuln unless your comsats are 15t. The current plan does not involve launching manned missions with a Saturn IB. Either solutions (Apollo 6 and 8 as they happened or unmanned 8 and manned 6) include using a Saturn V as launcher.
  9. Please don't nerf the Vector, please don't nerf the Vector, please don't nerf the Vector, please don't nerf the Vector...
  10. Could be linked to a similar bug with KER's horizontal and vertical velocity readings. I don't know if KER calculates these values itself or just takes them from the game, but if it's the second option, it's a good thing this is fixed.
  11. This engine is so cool: you can actually strap tanks or your payload wherever you want, put one of these under your rocket and poof, you're in space !
  12. I'll try to do my best. Also, by requirements, I meant payload to LEO ? I took care of it
  13. Do we really need a Saturn I for a comsat ? The S1 has a capacity to LEO of 9t, which seems a bit overkill for a single satellite. Also, who would have to design the sat ?
  14. I can show up, although I doubt I will be that useful for sats. (That's 19:00 GMT)
  15. If we can afford launching a Saturn IB for fun, we could at least pack 2 or 3 com-sats in it and put them to orbit to avoid further troubles.
  16. Why not ? I personally see 2 problems with it so far: 1. Depending on the PAO, and audience we get for the mission, making it a charity stream might just not be worth the trouble. 2. So far this is an amateur project, bringing money into the thing was not planned so far, and some new problems may arise. I don't really know how these work, so don't quote me on that. Also, then again, this will depend on the PAO, and we cannot really settle on such decisions at this point. But this would be a great thing if we manage to do it!
  17. Bienvenue Phell ! Hop you'll enjoy your time here, and don't forget to go and check the French section of the forum someday !
  18. Nope sorry, FAO is me! Either choose another role, or go as FAO backup: I won't obviously be available the entire duration of the mission.
  19. Please don't start one more debate on this. I deleted my message, and I ask you to do the same.
  20. NASA are supposed to be serious scientists, not much room for superstitions
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