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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. I don't know which one is the heavy Moa, but IIRC only the 5 Moa cluster has attachement below it. Other clusters (9 Moa, 5 Ratite and 7 Ratite) are made as lower stage parts, and therefore your cannot attach anything below them.
  2. Ladder behaviour is full of, let's say "features", that are here to make your life harder. I'm not sure there's a lot you can do there; but when back in the VAB, you should either put your ladder higher as Yukon said, or add a 45° angled ladder for your kerbal to be able to properly stand over the tank after climbing.
  3. Sent a probe is escape trajectory out of the solar system (RSS) and got encounters with Saturn and Neptune while doing my ejection burn. That was completely random, and if I stopped my burn, I could have visited one of them. I am already getting frustrated thinking about how much I am going to struggle getting to these planets when I'll actually want to get there...
  4. Is this mod supposed to be compatible with RSS ? When I installed it, I had the stars dimming when looking towards the Sun or Earth (as it is supposed to); but I didn't have any of the flares or any objects appearing in the sky or in space. I also had a strange bug where a sort of "orb" of light hangs around my ship, slowly drifting away, but coming back as soon as I timewarp. This happens even when using the "default" real solar system alternate config.
  5. Averaging by mass flow rate would work if using the same propellants with the same proportions on the different engines. Averaging by mass flow for 909s and nukes doesn't work as 909 use LFO but nukes only LF. If you tried with a stage using solely LFO or LF or monoprop or whatever fuel your want, then I'm pretty sure averaging by mass flow rate would work.
  6. IIRC, RCS requires pressurised tank, is there any chance you forgot to change the procedural tank's type (to ServiceModule) ? And mediafire link still shows access denied for viewing, BTW.
  7. Do you have pre-written texts that you just paste on these extremely generic (and often incomplete) threads such as: "My KSP crash, help me !" or "Why can't I use SAS with only a scientist piloting my ship ?" ?
  8. Yes, Alt+X is a KSP command, just like bringing the debug menu (Alt+F12) or switching to map view (M). If you try to press it without KSP running it won't work: if your issue is indeed the trim, then only this ship in particular will rotate, so you'll have to press Alt+X when controlling it.
  9. If it doesn't exist you can maybe do it yourself ? Either take out your calculator and use the Vis-Viva equation for transfers; send up a ship/probe/whatever and measure the dV needed for your manoeuvres; or just do it the way the other dV maps are done: use the transfer window planner to plot, say, 10 transfers, and average the dV requirements
  10. Try pressing Alt+X (assuming you're on Windows, mod key corresponding to your OS otherwise) to reset the trim. If you pressed Alt+W/A/S/D at some point your craft will rotate by itself: it is toggled off by activating SAS but comes back when you deactivate it. Alt+X resets it so your craft should stop rotating. Also, some clipping can cause your craft to behave strangely, including making it rotate, but seeing you have no visible part clipping, this is unlikely.
  11. Yes there is: print "..." + countdown. wait 1. if countdown = 2 { lock throttle to 1.0. print "Throttling up to 100% !". } } lock steering to up. stage. when ship:maxthrust = 0 then { print "No liquid fuel. Attempting to stage.". stage. print "Stage activated.". preserve. } wait until ship:altitude > 70000.print "Counting down:".from {local countdown is 10.} until countdown = 0 step {set countdown to countdown -1.} do { I put the lock throttle command inside the countdown because i wanted the rocket to actually launch at 0 (not like in the tutorial). Thanks for the answer, I'll just move the lock throttle outside the from and it should fix it.
  12. I stand with Ashlain and viktor19 here. As soon as you get to know how to make a proper, the stock ships become pointless. They're not even that well built (and beautiful) and you're better off building a brand new one than try to use or modify the stock ones. And they're outdated too... Asparagus is so 0.90 !
  13. I never really played career mode, but mostly science. Went, landed and returned from everywhere but Eve, Laythe and Tylo. I have probes in orbit of every single body in the Kerbol system. I got a few orbital stations here and there, the one over Kerbin being built in 12 launches. Never managed to make a spaceplane though I had a fairly good shuttle. Brang an asteroid in Kerbin orbit, and landed another one near the KSC. I have managed several dozens of rendez-vous and docking, so I'm pretty good with them now. I have several bases on Mun and Minmus, including a fully functional refueling operation on Minmus. Right now I'm mostly playing RSS where I have landed a probe on Venus and Mars and several on the Moon including a rover. I have a station in LEO and my manned lunar program is soon to be accomplished.
  14. output_log here, but good luck with finding anything in it, as I get spammed with the same line of codes over and over again (that's another thing... ) I'll try to find the relevant section and isolate it. Edit: removed the spam on the output_log
  15. The B9 Aerospace mod has been updated until KSP Beta 0.90, which is available for download on the KSP website.
  16. It's not a proper bug, but a known and annoying issue. It is the game's way to calculated manoeuvres that is the problem, it has nothing to do with your install and it will happen on every install you make. As a solution, I'd suggest using exclusively KER for your burn times (IIRC, the manoeuvre readouts are in the "orbital" category, but not in the preset, you'll have to add them yourself for them to display: go to Edit on the KER bar, and add whatever readout you want). You'll still have to set the manoeuvre in map view though.
  17. Whatever you think, it's very probably a memory issue: ATM is not a magic solution to memory crashes (speaking from experience) and having a strong computer running a 64bit OS has nothing to do with memory issues: the limit for KSP 32bit is ~3.5GB should you run a supercalculator or a potato. A list of your mods would be helpful: some are known to greatly increase RAM usage (alternate systems, HD textures, part mods, and let's not even talk about visual mods...).
  18. Applied the "moar boosters" motto to my RSS heavy lifter, and managed to put 174t to LEO with a rocket originally made for a 110t payload.
  19. KSP treats your rocket as a tree from the root part (tree, root, get it ? ) so you can go from a single part to as many parts as you want ("branches") using adapters, radial attachement..., but it is impossible to make loops with the "node" type attachement. So as said above, your only options are either docking ports or struts. Docking ports may look better than struts in your craft but be ware that they are not connected until physics simulation starts: so your craft will be unstable for the fraction of second between physics load and docking. Though it shoudln't be a problem for small or rigid loops, for larger ones this might be significant and lead to the destruction of your craft.
  20. @Steven Mading, @Gaiiden Thank you both for your answers ! I'll try Steven's things to hopefully be able to launch a rocket straight up properly I noted Gaiiden's tweak but that's a bit advanced for my kOS level: I'll consider using it whenever I get more comfortable with kOS. EDIT: So the staging thing is solved (also realised I had a double "stage" instruction in the code). But the wobbling is still present: I tried rolling the rocket in the VAB so that the red north line on the navball is right, but the only thing that changes is that the rocket rolls itself back to north-up on the navball. Pitch and yaw still wobble like crazy. Adding fins prevent it from flipping, but it doesn't solve the issue though. On the other hand, rolling works perfectly... EDIT2: OK, it seems I can't run the program at all anymore :/
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