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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. I think RO installs FAR by default: as it is a requirment for RO, it is installed with RO and other mods (Real Fuels, Real Chutes, KJR...) so you can't install it yourself because it is indeed already installed. So don't worry about it: install RO, and enjoy FAR
  2. [super obvious answer that everyone thought about but didn't dare to say] Add MOAR boosters !! [/super obvious answer that everyone thought about but didn't dare to say] More seriously, I also struggle designing bases because I worry too much about how I'm going to send them up there, so I often end not building a base at all, kind of frustrating. Stations are OK for me because you dont have to land them, and you can assemble them easily in orbit. For rockets on the other hand, I never get bored creating them
  3. Redesigned my lunar rocket for the fifth time before the launch that will take it to the Moon: Kickback for scale, and yes it is on the same plane as the rocket.
  4. Granted. It's molten. I wish for 8GB more RAM on my laptop.
  5. I don't know: on vBulletin's website, it says their HQ are in California, don't know about the forum itself though. EDIT: anyway, as the forum "host" is based in the US, the forums probably follow US legislation.
  6. If I remember well, just standing in top of the pyramid (or near it) activates the SSTV sound. Haven't been there in a while so I'm not sure it's even there anymore...
  7. As Red Iron Crown said, you need local gravity to get the TWR of your ship. From then you can use the Gravioli thing as I think it shows gravitational acceleration. Then you'll get your TWR where your stand/float. But TWR when already in orbit isn't very useful (completely useless tbh), you'll need the surface gravitational accelerations of the bodies you're at or aiming to go. They can be found in the map wiew with all the other info about the body focussed (GM, radius...) but it is possible they are expressed in g. If so, just multiply the value by 9.81 (or 9.82 not sure in KSP) and you'll get your gravitational acceleration in m/s². This will give you the surface TWR of any body (except asteroids which have no gravity). Also, you can divide the acceleration of your ship given in the map view by the gravitational acceleration of the body you're aiming (in m/s²), this will give you your TWR quickly and doesn't require mass or thrust on their own.
  8. Moon colonisation on my RSS save: my initial lunar program is coming to its end with the aim to land on the Moon soon accomplished, and I have started designing a Lunar base, and all the infrastructure to support it (crew, supplies, fuel). The current setup includes the base, two orbital stations (one in LEO and one in LLO), and "taxis" for transfering crew and resources from Earth to Moon and back.
  9. Pressing space in the launchpad doesn't automatically put your rocket in orbit, so it's also a bug ?
  10. Just wait until some reta... random person sues someone for this, then you will be able to do it, that's how the US work
  11. I currently have 4 installs of KSP 1.0.4 (stock, modded, modded + RSS, RSS with even more mods) but didn't keep any previous versions though. EDIT: 6 now as I forgot one (French), and just created a new one to test new mods
  12. You must upolad your screenshots on the Internet with Imgur or others.
  13. The Vis-Viva equation doesn't care about whether or not your orbit is suborbital: the radius of the body is not used in the equation, and as for all Newtonian/Keplerian mechanics, all bodies are treated as points at their centre of mass. So for a suborbital equation, just use your orbital values as they are relative to the centre of the planet: it doesn't matter if your periapsis is 675km, 600km or 10km (above centre). You'll just have to use semi-major axis and relative distance to centre of the planet. The Vis-Viva equation works with any Keplerian orbit: elliptic, suborbital (which is included in elliptic), parabolic and hyperbolic.
  14. If it's just to prevent crafts from wobbling, we don't necessarily need joints as strong as KJR has: what we need is stronger joints and a rework on SAS. If your craft is wobbling because it's a skyscraper of tanks that's your fault and you'll have to redesign it; but if it's wobbling because SAS suddenly decides to behave as WAS (Wobbling Augmentation System) even on shorter crafts, while using KJR, then a SAS redone is what you need... Still voted "Yes" though
  15. Doesn't Alt+F9 allow you to load autosaves ?
  16. Real Plume changes the engine sounds (I think, may be another mod), but I agree it would be nice to have decent rocket sounds in the stock game...
  17. Mods ! And once you have conquered Kerbol system and beyond, with every mods possible, have colonised all of the bodies, switch to RSS or Kerbin x6.4 and realise you can't get to orbit at all !
  18. Sudden overheating and explosions of parts (not only engines) is a known bug. I suggest installing Claw's Stock Bug Fix Modules that provides a fix for it (still experimental though, so not 100% bug-proof).
  19. Granted. He crashes his rocket(s) into your house and everyone dies. I wish I could go to space (in a rocket and spacesuit of course )
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