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Posts posted by SchweinAero

  1. 5 hours ago, Gavin786 said:

    Having the reaction wheels away from the main body of the craft maximizes the torq they can produce on the body -> substantially better maneuverability than if they were at the center of gravity.

    How certain are you about this? AFAIAA, reaction wheels produce fixed torque rather than fixed force. Length of lever arm shouldn't matter.

  2. 41 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:

    I don't think there'd be much advantage there, since you leave with the same relative velocity you came with. 

    Gravity assists harness the body's orbital velocity, which wouldn't change.



    Couldn't you still get far closer to the centre than with our current Moon, allowing for a wider selection of changes in direction for a given relative speed?

  3. One part of your question is indeed easy to visualise. Here, I animate how sound would look if you could 1) see air pressure as darkness, and 2) see in super-slow motion. Bear in mind that the wavefronts are spherical, so this is how it would look from any direction. The usual mental image of expanding concentric circles is really pretty accurate.


  4. 12 hours ago, Servo said:

    Additionally, due to drag on the droop nose, you can't rotate the nose into the flight position while in flight. This isn't really a problem, because the Concorde would take off and taxi with the nose drooped 5 degrees, as opposed to the 15-20 degrees of landing. It just means that you have to leave the nose in the cruise position for takeoff.

    What's to prevent the addition of counterdrag flaps that reside in a hollow segment behind the nose and bring the CoDrag of the tilting part exactly onto the hinge? 

  5. 46 minutes ago, Harry Rhodan said:

    By that measure 1.4 will not only have no point releases, but will be the last release ever.

    After which, instead of the update beinɡ created by devs to be ɡiven to players, it will rise from oblivion on the computers of players to then be transferred to Squad's machines and erased line by line over months.

    Extrapolation, not even once.

  6. On 14.11.2017 at 5:56 PM, Azimech said:


    Since I didn't calculate anything, I don't know how much delta-v it has. But in LKO liquid fuel is at ~50%, with 12700 units, oxidizer has 3180 units left.

    Other specs:

    Mass after reaching LKO: 179t.
    Mass tanks empty: 99.1t.
    Mass tanks full: 269.1t.
    Part count: 266.

    Let's see if I can land this bird on Duna.

    Neat bird! How much does it carry into LKO?

    I ran the numbers for the heck of it based on your stats.


    ΔvNerv = Isp(Nerv) * g0 * ln(mfull/mempty)

    = 800 s * 9.81 m/s2 * ln(269.1*103 kg / 99.1*103 kg) = 7839 m/s


    ΔvRapier = Isp(Rapier) * g0 * ln(mfull/mempty)

    = 305 s * 9.81 m/s2 * ln(269.1*103 kg / 99.1*103 kg) = 2988 m/s


    ΔvLKO = Isp(Nerv) * g0 * ln[(mempty+mlf+mox)/(mempty+mox)]

    = 800 s * 9.81 m/s2 * ln[(99.1*103 kg + 12700*5 kg + 3180*5 kg)/( 99.1*103 kg + 3180*5 kg)] = 3450 m/s

  7. 1 hour ago, The Dunatian said:

    Much of the fun of KSP is piloting the mission yourself, and there is already a mod for this called MechJeb. I do occasionally use MechJeb for particularly boring mission in to Kerbin orbit, but never for challenges or interesting stuff like that. Here is the link. https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/mechjeb/files/2425713

    MechJeb does not let you plan an ascent one throttle setting and one degree of heading at a time, though. Actually programming the autopilot yourself is a whole different challenge.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    The important thing for this conversation is that it does actually produce a noticeable improvement in stability which players can utilize.

    I'm still inclined to think the effect is psychological, but I will now make sure to test it for myself. It might have something to do with the aerodynamic forces on vertical and angled nacelles with lateral velocity. 

    Edit: the results are in and it seems @Dafni was right. Having engines far from the CoM and tilted toward the CoM are two ways to give their gimbals a longer lever arm - better control authority. If you lock gimbals, all-vertical and tilted setups work identically except for thrust loss. 

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