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Everything posted by Salamander

  1. Hello, sorry if this has already been answered, but should I still download [http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-23-rasterpropmonitor-b9-aerospace-fix/] if I plan on using B9 with this mod, or is that fixed?
  2. The forum-switchover threw me for a loop, and I also have had some other things going on that drew me away from KSP in general. I still keep up with the development. I'd love to help out with another issue, but we need more content before that can happen.
  3. It\'s come to my attention that the link I posted is now broken. Here is a mediafire mirror that should work better: http://www./?jesb8jf6awz82wi If this one goes belly up too let me know, I\'ll keep re-uploading it.
  4. [delurk] I approve of this venture [/delurk]
  5. Yeah, it does look pretty bare, but that\'s mostly because I got burned out and didn\'t want to go back over it and add style elements. Perhaps for the next issue we can create an overall guide, to keep fonts, sizes and spacing standard and then delegate pages to whoever wants to help produce it. For example, the front cover is primary red Trajan Pro with the title in 36pt, and the rest in 24pt. I\'m thinking we\'ll just commence with the next one whenever we have enough articles.
  6. Posting this PM here so I don\'t forget about it Good article btw. RP Name: John Kerk Handle: Selrahc4040 Organization: Apogee Science Inc. Title: The Curse of the Munolith Article: Yes, I meant to say 'Jedediah Kerman'. (click to show/hide) The Curse of the Munolith By Jedediah Kerman For years we have looked at the mysterious black monuments that dot our world and mun as mere tourist attractions, pieces of ancient Kerbinacana. But today, ladies and gents, a shocking new discovery comes from a small branch of Apogee Science, the branch in charge of the research of atomic particles. John Kerk, the leader of the project, was kind enough to give me a bare-bones explanation of why we in the Industry should be wary of these totems. 'It\'s really quite simple.' Mr. Kerk explained to me. 'The Munoliths consist of a previously unknown material called \'Muonium\' which give off high amounts of Muon radiation. The Muon particle is a highly dense, negatively charged particle that has the capability to disrupt ionic bonds, like the ones that hold our fuel molecules together.' 'I don\'t think I like where this is going.' I said to the doctor. 'Believe me, you shouldn\'t' He replied. 'The Muon particle, though incredibly dense, is still small enough to go through the walls of standard KSP fuel tanks. Once inside, the particles disrupt the fuel\'s bonds, turning it into a highly toxic and, unfortunately, not burnable sand. This is, obviously, highly detrimental to all forms of engines, causing the fuel-expulsion valves to clog and the engine to stop.' This message disturbed me, but John assured me that his branch was working on designing a material to dispel Muon radiation. But in the meantime, those of you who rely on LFE\'s to do your dirty work, I recommend you steer clear o these black behemoths, lest you, too become a victim of the Curse of the Munolths.
  7. edit: Better mirror here Cover had to be saved as a .bmp, cause it kept crashing paint.net for some unfathomable reason, so the set is odd numbered, and it\'s in a zip file because .cbz (comic) files don\'t read filenames in the proper order, and that\'s the only way I\'d be able to turn it into a two page flip book anyway. So here\'s the next best thing. Just use your image viewer, and the front and back pages are cut from the rest. If it looks like shite, that\'s because you\'re not zoomed in to the proper distance (100%). It\'s an odd size for a monitor, but it\'s the way I like my newspapers: tall and wide. Cardgame, I hope you\'re not terribly offended that I used your art for the cover. I put you at the head of the attribs. list in case you\'re wondering. If anyone has any problems with the hosting, I\'ll put up some better mirrors tomorrow. Spark a cigar, gents, we have ourselves a 'magazine'.
  8. After a day and a half straight of hand setting pages in paint.net, all eleven pages are done, and not too shabby if I do say so myself. I will post the finished PDF here as soon as I find a good freeware program that understand the concept 'separate files, separate pages'. For now I am stepping out, and will complete this when I get back to my house.
  9. Okay, cutoff has just occurred. Any stuff after this point will go into the next issue. Speaking of the next issue, I\'ve learned a great deal these past 24 hours, and we should discuss some changes before forging ahead with the next issue. The first is submissions. It would make it a LOT easier on me if people who wanted content put in would stick to a rubric and fill out all aspects: RP Name: Handle: Organization: Title of piece: Article text: Pictures to be attached: (To give you an idea, I am working with 1680x1050 Height/Width. Pretty much my monitor flipped sideways. Don\'t give me any huge screens. Also if you have a preference as to where the image goes, please specify.) This will cut down greatly on copying and pasting so I can get right to formatting.
  10. There\'s always a straggler Don\'t worry, I\'ve already got a lawyer ad image cooked up, and it\'s pretty similar to that. I\'m in the process of untangling this whole thing, proofreading all the articles and whatnot, so if you have a finished ad image or something else that\'s ready to go, I\'ll just toss it in here and I\'ll find a place for it. I\'ll put another post on here later in the day to let people know that this is the REAL cutoff, and that will come when I get to the last part, which is the table of contents and the actual page numbers for everything, which are still as of this moment in limbo.
  11. Ah, something in the vein of Clancy\'s new techno-thrillers I see? Interesting. Lot\'s of carnage and order giving. Very true to the genre. 'Fire! Fire everything!' 'Uh sir that is not a real command, what are you doing...' 'Wait a minute, how did a golden retriever sneak onto the bridge?' 'More importantly, how did it steal an officer\'s dress uniform?'
  12. Siiiiiiick. Alright, I\'m collating all this into raw text and stacking the editor. Should be done sometime tomorrow if not tonight.
  13. I\'m about to light this candle. I could use your NovaSilisko interview Radion, and Dr. Burst, you\'re the editor in chief so you should probably write a column of some sort introducing the magazine, to go on the second page.
  14. Reminder: Five days till production. If you want to submit something, now would be the time to do it. I\'ve got a few ads, but we\'re gonna need a few more to pad it out.
  15. That is some professional, grade-a work right there my friend. Good job.
  16. Overall, I like it, the layout is good, and the Downey shoop is awesome (you even got down to the roots, lol), but the colors you\'ve chosen for the very bottom yellow bar make the writing, which is in white/transparent, really hard to read without straining. I think if you changed the white text to some other color and took out the glow effects, it would be good to go. What do you think DrBurst? Anything to add?
  17. Not at all. In this fantastic world of tomorrow we are allowed to invent journalists from thin air, and there is nothing stopping said creations from wanting to interview you. Gracias, senor. It is an excellent thing and no mistake.
  18. I\'m about to come into a lot of free time, actually. I thought I would be taking classes over the summer, but I registered a day late, and if I can\'t add (likely) then I\'m going to have three months to kill. If people want to submit ads, or articles, or art (even stuff you\'ve already posted somewhere else), everyone will get a byline, and credits in the back. Since you\'re the Editor in Chief here, I\'m thinking something cool to do would be to introduce every issue with your own EIC column on the first page, like they do in Popular Mechanics and Newsweek (and pretty much every other magazine, come to think of it). Another helpful thing for people to do is submit news briefs. They are short columns, maybe 500 words, about news stories that have happened in the Kerbal world that are worth reporting on, but which we aren\'t devoting space to. They should be written in a somewhat formal style, although that does not stop you from making the topic ridiculous/hilarious. Then you can PM me all the submissions, pitch me your ideas for the cover and the order of article placement, and I\'ll take care of the rest.
  19. That is actually quite good. No spelling or grammar mistakes, nice flow to it.
  20. Here is my article Salamoneus Jones Orbital Weapons 10 June, 2012 ORBITAL WEAPONS AND THEIR USE By Salamoneus Jones Technical Correspondant Ever since Kerbals climbed out of the muck and stood upright, they have sought new ways to kill each other. The first weapons were incidentally sharp rocks, and the first battlefield, one of the vast grassy plains that dot our verdant world and (so far) only home. In time, Kerbals discovered steel, gunpowder, mustard gas, airplanes and machined parts. Each time, the field of battle widened, from the distance of an outstretched arm, to a few hundred yards, to several miles, and finally to every continent and the vacuum above. Space: the last battlefield. It is the new high ground that all militaries seek to hold over their enemies, and there has been frantic development in the areas of space weapons research since Jebediah and his crew first pioneered the new realm. The doctrine of orbital weapons use is similar to that of nuclear weapons: strike first, strike hard. Prevent your enemy from firing as many salvos as you can, and disable his constellation of weapons, either by ground based interceptor missiles, or by other orbital platforms. There are two main categories of space weapon: kinetic, and energy based. Let us examine the first, as at present it is the more practical, cost-effective option by far. Kinetic weapons can take the form of anything from a bullet to an ICBM, and everything in between. At the small scale, defense cannons and emplacements can fend off attacks by hostile craft, and in an offensive role can down satellites. These are crude, unguided projectiles, with a high rate of recoil, and as such are difficult to employ effectively and generally should be considered a weapon of last resort. On the larger scale, the ICBM is universal, but again, it is a ground based weapon, intented to hit a target on the ground. Space-to-space missiles would have a variety of ranges. The largest category would be able to reach any spot above the atmosphere and guide itself onto the target via a heat or electronic signature. The smaller categories would be like the cannons, primarily for defensive purposes. The second type of missile would be space-to-ground, able to guide itself to any target on the surface of the earth, visible or otherwise. There would of course be a limited firing window as the platform passes overhead. Missiles that try to work against their orbital momentum are inefficient. There is, however, a third type of kinetic weapon: the infamous 'rods from god'. At orbital velocities, almost anything can be turned into a devastating kill vehicle, as the cleanup crews who constantly scrub the Kerbin atmosphere of debris will tell you without hesitation. If a highly dense material is used, such as tungsten, a shock effect similar to a conventional warhead can be achieved for a much smaller price-tag. Although lugging a bundle of tungsten rods, each the size of a telephone pole, into orbit is highly fuel intensive, their trajectory can be predicted almost as easily as that of missiles, although without their course correction ability. A single platform could hold dozens of such rods, raining terror and death down upon anyone who thinks themselves safe inside a bunker or hardened structure. If penetration is not the aim, the tip can be serrated for greater surface disintegration upon impact, and the shrapnel scatters like a charge of bribery fired into a session of the grand Kerbal congress. The second category of space armament is that of energy weapons. These can vary from tightly concentrated pulses of plasma to solid state, wave motion lasers. There are many different varieties and power sources for these weapons, but practicality is limited at this juncture. Solid state lasers diffuse quickly, even in the vacuum of space, and are thus not suited to surface strikes, but rather useful for meteoroid defense and close combat, should it occur. Plasma can be built up into larger magnetic envelopes to form torpedoes with a superior range. Like lasers, they will simply be defused should they be aimed at Kerbin, but can be potent long range, anti-ship weapons. These weapons can be powered most efficiently by reactors or solar panels. The former can provide enough power for devastating strikes on demand, and lasts a long time, but cleaning up after a meltdown or malfunction on one of said reactors would be difficult and dangerous in the extreme. Solar panels provide a second level of self sufficiency, but are very limited in power output and obviously don\'t work when not in direct sunlight (although advances in battery technology could change this), negating their area of operation over a large portion of Kerbin\'s surface. At present, no nation or private entity has enough platforms operational to conduct a real shooting war in space, but all must prepare themselves for that day, for it is coming. The stations currently operational are either testbeds for ground strikes, possess short range anti-ship capability, or are intended for debris clearance. It will not be long before the dominant political powers turn their attention to this new arena, however. As of yet the level of technology is not sufficient to permit advanced missile or projectile trajectory guidance, and the range of warheads is limited to a few yards at most, but betting on Kerbals to stand idly by while a new killing tool is in sight is not a smart use of money.
  21. I will get started on mine today and post it here when I\'m done. I have some experience working in a desktop publishing environment, setting type, ads and headlines in Quark at a college newspaper, so I could give you a hand with design if you wanted. I\'m assuming you\'re aiming at a PDF format? I\'ll think up some fake ads too. Since its an industry magazine/journal, you\'ll probably have a large graphic on the front, plus your headliners, the title and issue number. The first page would be short news briefs from the industry, your author credits, and your table of contents. After that you would just start placing ads and articles until you hit the end. Since we\'re making up all the ads instead of taking a real person\'s specifications (thank god, that was a pain in the ass), we can be pretty loose with how we format it.
  22. KSP Forums and/or Roleplaying Name: Salamoneus 'Sal' Jones Organization in KSP: Intelligent Defense Systems Your KSP imaginary Biography: Not much is known about Sal. He was a mediocre air force pilot and later an intelligence analyst, when he was transferred for striking a superior officer in unclear circumstances. He made maps and collated intel briefings for at least four years, and then was dismissed from government service without a pension. He emerged soon after as a private contractor, working in the murky, under-regulated Kerbin aerospace industry. He was soon picked up by Intelligent Defense Systems, a company that provides specialized contracts for resupply, surveillance and \'kinetic support\', a handy euphemism for orbital weapons platforms. Type of Article: Opinions, editorials, spacecraft capability assessment (reviews), and analysis of current events and conflicts in the Kerbal world. Approximate Length : 2,000 words, I guess, since that\'s the maximum. Summarize Your Article Idea in less then 5 sentences: Evaluation of spacecraft capability. Anyone is welcome to submit their own craft to me in a PM. It should include a title, design goal, and a few specifications such as range (low kerbin orbit, munar orbit, interstellar, etc.), payload, and top speed if it\'s an aircraft.
  23. It\'s good, but I agree with the others, you should put more payload under it. Doesn\'t have to be balls-touching crowded, but there is plenty of extra space there. If you\'re expending the fuel to get all that plane aloft, you might as well distribute a few extra 'presents' before you land. If you\'re going for realism there should be at least four air-to-air standoff missiles, and the rest of the hard-points should contain your mission specific payload. That way you won\'t have to bother with escorts, you can shoot, scoot, and be out of there before the enemy can scramble interceptors.
  24. Danke. I think Harvey should put some aliens in KSP in future updates. It would be interesting.
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