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Everything posted by Silver

  1. Performed a simple launch to delivery a new Lander to the NESKA Training Station on orbit over Mun, hope you like it!
  2. It`s version 3-4 best one for KSP 0.24.2? and a silly question: what difference is between x64 and x86 ? 64 and 32 bits maybe? thanks!
  3. Oh! Now I see those remote tugs , and next I can't see if there are some RCS on the packed modules so after docking the tug with it's maybe a bit difficult to control. Im right?
  4. :0.0: I like your single stage station and gave me some ideas but... how do you move the "packed" solar panels and communotron from his launching docking ports to his final position?
  5. And talking a bit about moddin in KSP, maybe adding those landing legs to our KSP is one of the easiest fact in the world of mods development, I'm right? I´m not a programmer or 3D modeller but I like to approach to modding the game, for that my very, very first step was downloading Notepad++ and changing his language to "Python". Thah is what learned in this awesome forum, anyway I`m really lost I'm trying to modify a bit the stock parts to learn how .cfg files works. wish me luck!!
  6. Thank you!! I am not too experience with forum procedures but I will try to do my best! for example there is a picture...
  7. Hi all... I'm lookin at http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/ for better MechJeb2 version to use with KSP 0.24.2 but I don't know how to find it, there are a lot of updates! Can someone help me please? Thanks!
  8. Thanks for this awesome game! Greetings from Spain and keep on that good work Excuse me about my poor english :X
  9. Gracias por la info. No se si este hilo está muerto pero a mi me resulta muy interesante y si es posible ¿podrías explicar como añadir interiores a las partes? No tengo idea de programación pero intuyo que los "MODULES" son una parte importante ¿podrías explicar un poco que es y cómo funciona? Y una cosita más que quise hacer por mi cuenta y no fui capaz. ¿cómo puedo añadir consumo eléctrico a una parte que no incluya un reaction whell? gracias
  10. Hola!, llevo bastante tiempo jugando KSP desde la versión 0.21 aproximadamente y por fín aparezco en el foro. No lo hice antes por que en su día no me reconocía el email, en fín.. Un saludo y espero compartir muchas experiencias con este pedazo de juego. Mi compu: Pentium Duo 2.0Ghz 4 Gb Ram geForce 210 Windows 7 32bits
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