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Everything posted by RamboRoth

  1. Any advice on getting the N1-L3 to not break in half on launch? I'm using the included craft file and on loading the rocket bends in half and breaks. I tried to go through and ensure every part connection was correct and referencing the wiki and I can't seem to find what the issue is. Thanks.
  2. Kerbal Foundries http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84102-WIP-PARTS-PLUGIN-0-25-Kerbal-Foundries-wheels-anti-grav-repulsors-and-tracks
  3. Regardless of what happens there....I hope to see a moon landing in my lifetime.
  4. Looks great! Logos would be cool if you could get permission from Squad.
  5. Made a ground-attack aircraft with BD's Armory and various other mods. Handles pretty nice, and has a hidden bomb-bay with 2 bombs in it. Then I sent another satellite to Eve to survey for mining. Another successful day for the KCEB!
  6. I can't wait to see this film, and I'm glad that the time was taken to create a realistic rendition of black holes and other space oddities. I hope it sells well so that future films follow in its footsteps.
  7. Its a shame all of that science equipment was lost. Looking forward to seeing the Soyuz launch tonight though.
  8. The issue I am having is not just that I don't touch the ground, but that no kerbals appear in the bottom right corner like all other crafts. Even the premade police car and fire truck do not work. I also can't toggle the emergency lights on either of them.
  9. I just installed the ground vehicle pack and none of the vehicles touch the ground and are not drive able. Any suggestions?
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