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  1. If you are playing in the career mode and hasn't researched a module it shouldn't appear, check again the type of save you are using it
  2. In the name of all descent people on this forum, I full heartetly appologize for the blatant display of idiocy you had to endure in your own thread.

    And now - since that "other" thread, I am extremly ashamed to be part of this community - and that never happened before..

    For what it's worth, I do not condone what (still) happens here and I have not seen that before..

    I just wanted to let you know.. - it's a sad episode - very sad for KSP...

    The worst thing is - some of them are moderators - I am ashamed because of their behaviour!

  3. You sir deserve a medal *clap clap* that is being objective, and about the donation button, it was on kerbal stuff, and as I said was intended to get my own copy of KSP eventually check the post here --->(http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98358-KSP-RAM-Saver?p=1508074&viewfull=1#post1508074) BTW glad it worked for you
  4. When you find that answer please let me know
  5. Paranoia everywhere hahahahaha, it's clean buddy I swear, run on it all the antivirus you want, or check the instruction it issues at runtime. I think my alleged maliciousness lies in trying to make this mainstream O.o
  6. I was laughing like for and hour after seeing this mod, it is just beautiful!, and the bacon, ROFL, Keep up the good work!! Would like to see more from you! Have you ever taught about pizza?
  7. I've got no idea, I don't even know him. When I asked why it was deleted, he answered really upset, (when I say really it is Really upset, like I've just killed his pet or something), I got answers in the fashion of "it's ridiculous", "and it's licensed like you think it's worth something","Do not pretend that this is a selfless endeavor" ,"It's not worth anyone's time and it's certainly not welcome on Kerbal Stuff" and the thingy of "attention whor*", also he complained "And then you had the gall to ask people for donations!" he complains about that and his site's terms say "Uploaders offer Kerbal Stuff a royalty-free, worldwide license to distribute their mods upon uploading them" nom "royalty-free" that word sound delicious, and why another mod repo when SQUAD selected curse for that?. Anyways I've nothing else to say in that matter, let's leave it that way. Sometimes we find people who doesn't know human values like cordiality, patience or humbleness among others which make the world a better place for all . But anyways, if he wants to delete it from his site, even though I didn't break the site's terms**, so be it, don't care, I can make it available by my own means. **(In the terms you can find "We can remove any content whenever we feel like it for any reason at all, with or without notifying the content owner." so he can do it, for any reason, so don't upset him or your contributions will be gone :S Terms)
  8. Hahahaha, actually I've recieved more love than hate, that's why I'm staying
  9. After being told that this "It's not worth anyone's time and it's certainly not welcome on Kerbal Stuff" and being called "an attention ....." and "a selfish ....." by sweet SirCmpwn, I've decided I'll keep this, the download will be provided via a mega link, hoping that It'll be useful (I think it was for the ~90 people that downloaded it when it was on Kerbal Stuff), and I'll keep trying to find ways to contribute to the community.
  10. Hello, nope the program is only intended to run in windows (It says so in the readme), as far as I know KSP x64 runs well in MacOS and in Linux so this really has no use there
  11. Ok, I presumed you were doing it in bad faith, sorry about that, thanks for posting that link, I've let them know.
  12. Hey buddy this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98390-MechJeb-Embedded-Universal might help you
  13. Congratulations on finding a post... I've been doing this for a long time, and I've posted it in Curse on June 6 2014... Please stop trying to put me like a copycat or something else and go do something uselful.
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