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Everything posted by CelticCossack51

  1. It's to far away for US. Can I lean on this Pole for a while? My back is in Spain​! You can rest your feet on this Ottoman. I have to put more Prussia on you. Wow, that's quite the Qingk in that rock! But that's what I Ming! Ukraine? But I'm not a crane!
  2. I think there should be more names. 'Return of the Sixth' 'cause why not. And the 'Singalong of the Seventh' in honour of most people's reactions of the fate of LucasArts.
  3. I got fifth in US East, even though I should be in US West as there is no Canada West. I guess playing as Prussia really helps. Unfortunately, I was playing it at school, and I had to bail when lunch was over.
  4. Yeah, I noticed that as well. I think it's good that SpaceX is testing their abort button, but make sure that the capsule does no have to land on a solid surface.
  5. I only found out of this game by a certain Youtube group that was very popular. I wanted to make a space shuttle replica after seeing the Mk3 Cockpit. I made one, but it requires infinite fuel and is launched via an unmanned plane. Now I have multiple copies of KSP after installing mods, and I still have over 30 flights on my save. And now, we made it to 1.0. Thanks Squad for the amazing game!
  6. Khina Khenzhou Khangzheng
  7. Very nice architecture. WDYKA Togo?
  8. Well, it could be funny.
  9. Why do you need to view the image in Preview (or whatever Windows does) when you can open it in this!
  10. Well, I found one of Megatiger's old gifs when I searched my nickname in Google. And a couple of my crappy Polandballs appeared. I have better Polandballs in stock. But what is this?! And yes, the Black Widow that I took a picture of in China. My tiny nuclear bomber. EDIT: For Bing, why did the Mythbusters show up?
  11. Awesome! Now all we need is the Colossus of Rhodes to be rebuilt. It's possibly impossible anyway. But hey, there is always the Statue of Zeus and the Athena Parthanos.
  12. Good guess. I am actually working on the Black Brant 12, a Canadian made rocket.
  13. I played this when it was mentioned in the Voar thread. I like it. I named my cell after one of the largest empires in history. Darn the people who found out the art of split killing.
  14. I would learn how to make a KSP parts mod on Mac without procrastinating.
  15. It's interesting to see many so people's ancestors fight in the wars. My great grandpa and great great grandpa fought in North-East China during WW2. Soldiers from the CCP used guerrilla warfare. They both died in Hebei province. Countries like Australia, New Zealand, and Canada may not be the main heroes in war movies, but they had a very big impact on both wars and were very important on massive operations like D-Day and Gallipoli. This was at the cost of lives, of course. Lives that were lost, but live in our memories. Lest we forget.
  16. Where the overpowered SAS when we need it?
  17. My friend claimed that McDonalds sells 'fake food'. We were eating plastic all these years...
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