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Everything posted by CelticCossack51

  1. Oh yea. I remember finding that on Google Earth, scared the crap outta me. Don't ask me why I was looking around Area 51.
  2. Pretty soon there will be billboards and Pizza Hut logos on the moon.
  3. I have arachnophobia, but I want to punch Mother Nature of Psychology so hard for giving me this. It can be a gift as I would be aware of any unusual small black spots on the floor, walls, and roof. I know how useful they are and before I usually analyze bugs and spiders, but then I had become like a posh person from Victorian England. I usually see wolf spiders everywhere. I even saw one with eggs.
  4. I got this video playing along with another one and laughed at that robot voice telling me the same information twice, along with some soviet music in the background.
  5. I don't play World of Warships, but I do have a battleship. The user below me has been inside a B-52.
  6. 1x10/10 Happy 700 posts WinkAllKerb"!
  7. Not really, but I know Western Canada's heat (gives you sunburns on certain days). The user below me has gone to an airshow.
  8. Congrats Kasper! Even I don't know the results for my exams. Hello Andrea! Willkommen to the wonderful Kommunity! Also godspeed devs!
  9. Got some photos of the Abbotsford Air Show. More on the way.* Humvee The first F-22s in Western Canada. P-51 Mustang C-17 Globemaster III B-52 Stratofortress Sea King CC-177 Globemaster III Chinook CF-18? CF-18 in flight Spitfire Explosions!!! *My camera ran out of power, but I also took pictures using an iPhone. - - - Updated - - - It would be the Qing dynasty, but otherwise it's correct. And also nice picture!
  10. Best: Interstellar, Gravity, The Lego Movie Middle: The A-Team Worst: Percy Jackson and the Olympians 1 and 2 (I like the Percy Jackson books, but once you see the movies...), Scorpion King 4 (too cheesy, I predicted the [exaggeration]whole[/exaggeration] plot
  11. All hail Edd Gould! Yes I'm an Eddsworld fan. Here is my name. -.- .. . .-. .- -.
  12. :hailmosquito: Mosquitoes are responsible for more human deaths than human murderers and steal our blood. Hail our overlords! At the same time :hailallhumans:
  13. No The user below loves Eddsworld.
  14. Nope. The user below me has heard of Roblox, but does not want to play it.
  15. Read the red text below Sorry for this mess, I instantly realized what I have done and regretted it. I was browsing for some good NASA memes and then I found this. Personally it does not anger me. Edit: Sorry for this. Whenever I'm tired I become a hyper sensitive little emperor.
  16. This could help. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/life
  17. I guess it mine would be Driver3. I just love messing with the police in the game, especially the infinite mass cheat in Istanbul.
  18. The waiter is on strike. Waiter! Salyut 1 is in my soup!
  19. To have Minecraft creative mode with the Not Enough Items mod in real life.
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