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Everything posted by TK421

  1. Hi Nlight, here is the config immediately after clicking save configuration. http://pastebin.com/5NMM4W16 I noticed if I was really quick to move the stick after a few goes I could get the auto axis detection to work. I also noticed I had to invert my throttle axis prior to calibrating it. Inverting after calibration meant the throttle went from 0 to -1 and was then non-functional. I'm not sure its an issue, but without thinking about it, it is somewhat unexpected. I've just noticed my setup has been lost again, and the xml only has the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <controllers /> </Configuration> Perhaps two relevant details: 1) My game did crash, though I'd already saved the config manually. 2) I turned off the joystick control option in my last flight. Another point to note, when jumping to a craft the throttle is automatically set at whatever position it is on the stick. This is a problem if for example you've flown a plane and haven't throttled down, then jump to a lander. As soon as it loads the engines fire up. I'm not sure how you'd fix this... I guess not setting the throttle position until it's changed on the controller would be a start, but even turning it down to zero could still be problematic for small landers.
  2. Strangely the config file seems to have deleted itself and the controller is of course no longer calibrated nor presets available in-game. I'll do it again later and send it to you. I'm not sure if I did something weird to cause it to get deleted, but if it happens again I'll let you know.
  3. Hey, With regards to 1 &3, unfortunately the very first thing I did was calibrate my stick; it didn't help. I did notice the config file had values for the deadzone, but they were way to small. For my rudder I had to bump it up to 0.2. It could just be my stick is a little old and loose when centred, but other than that, and being very sensitive it's fine. With regards to sensitivity I actually wanted to reduce it, not increase it. I was thinking an option like you have linear/squared where its just less sensitive closer to the centre. I kind of assumed that's what the squared mode did, but it seemed to make it even more sensitive for me...
  4. You sir win the award for 'best KSP mod ever'. I can actually use my joystick now! I'd been using a virtual joystick driver in order to get calibrated input, but it was flaky. A few improvements though: 1) you need to be able to set axis deadzones within the mod gui, rather than having to edit the cfg 2) you need to be able to adjust axis sensitivity, again within the gui 3) you need to be able to manually select axis. For me the automatic 'move axis to select' doesn't work as it always picks axis0, forcing me to edit the cfg 4) It'd be great if the mod button let you quickly and easily see/switch presets without opening the full config window. I see I can bind a key to cycle presets, which is great, however it annoyingly cycles to 'new preset', then stops. I'd love a simple icon of a rocket or plane able to be assigned to my presets so I can see which I'm using without cycling. Anyway, like I said earlier, great mod. I've just spent half an hour flying around the ksp mountains at 10m just because I could.
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