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Everything posted by Funeh

  1. Is there a way to recognize physicsless parts in game? If not, is there a list of those parts somewhere? edit: Also, do I understand this correctly - Massless parts add mass to your rocket (thus need to increase thrust) but they do not alter your rocket course and they dont need to be balanced by symmetry?
  2. If you dont like carreer then go play Science or Sandbox. KSP is updated and there are many new things to get accomodated, so of course it is hard at the begining.
  3. Hi, is this playable on Carrer and/or Science mod with mods installed only from "Dependencies" and "Recommendations" ? Also, when I select Realism Overhaul in CKAN, the button "Go to changes" is greyed out and I cannot click it :/ (any other mod works fine)
  4. Hi, so is there ModuleManager for 0.90 so I can use FAR? I have only found version for 0.20 ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31342-0-20-ModuleManager-1-3-for-all-your-stock-modding-needs )
  5. Is this true? Because I've seen even Scott Manley doing it with EVA. and to quote wiki -
  6. That seems like bug to me that storing feature... Anyway so whats the purpose of science lab and how do I use it? Lets say I take a goo experiment, then I take green man on EVA, go to goo, take it, fly to science lab and store it there?
  7. So I heard you can store more crewreports than one? If I go on EVA, I can click on capsule and somehow "store" crewreports that are in the capsule, then I can take another crewreports? Is this right? Also, why would I be available to store reports only when I am outside and not inside the capsule?
  8. Agree with OP and boxman. Too many people whining about difficulty while they dont adjust the sliders for it. KSP should be hard game, its a damned simulator... Everyone is used to have super complex space program in earlier versions, and now it suddenly is not that easy so they cry.
  9. Funeh

    Games we play

    Europa Universalis 4 - currently trying to quit my addiction to it
  10. Funeh

    Star Wars 7

    Wow you are kidding right? That pisses me off so much. Of course it is a bad move, I don't understand why the blockbusters have to keep straight good guys and straight bad guys. This is so wrong. But I see it most blockbusters today - the propaganda of humanism, democracy, religion - that they are the only good things in the world and cannot be substituted. The media and movies especially are really getting inside our brains and try to steer us in the path they want to. I might have maybe too radical opinion on this but I really hate how they are keep trying to get their ideas inside our brains. And its working for the most human population. Anyway the change of this scene is really wrong. It makes much more sense in the first version... Well, ultimate good guys... :/
  11. Funeh

    Star Wars 7

    what's the thing with "Han shot first" ?
  12. Hello, I have downloaded CKAN and then I put it in my KSP directory. But when I run it, it opens and in a milisecond it closes right away... Im not really sure what seems to be the problem. Any help?
  13. Do we have composed panorama picture into one? With some higher resolution?
  14. hello again, would really like you to send me a reply, thanks :)

  15. Well I think its success becasue the module IS on the surface and is comunication is established and its the first landing on comet so... i think its a success, maybe not 100% but definitely a success.
  16. Hi can you please reply to my messages? :)

  17. Funeh


    I hope it won`t be some kind of family fairy tale like Andrew
  18. Is there some kind of unit which will tell me how the engine is efficient in the engine description?
  19. Funeh


    This looks cool, but I wish they make District 9 sequel !
  20. I have this contract to put a probe on a polar orbit... but the Ap and Pp are about 7,500,000m ... That seems way too high for me? So is it 7500km (its almost near Mun) or am I reading it wrong? Also in the details of contract is "node: 216°", which I dont understand what it is...
  21. Thank you guys, helpful as always... The video is hilarious, I love their language :-D Also, I actualy think that somewhere in deep universe there is some space faring race alot like kerbals
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