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Everything posted by G2000

  1. I don't know whether I should post this here or somewhere else but I have found a bug with the latest build of ModuleManager. Halfway through loading the game it always freezes on "Squad/SPP/Wings/swept2". Upon deleting the swept2 files, it moves onto swept1, etc. Upon deleting the entire folder of SPP, it moved along to Spaces. I went through the process again. Upon deleting the entire Spaces folder, it moved onto props. This file contained essentials like the navball and so on. So at this point I stopped. The mods I have installed (Using TinkerTime) are: Alternative Tree Configuration, Alternate Resource Panel, Ambient Light Shifter, AutoAsparagus, B9 Aerospace Pack, Background Processing, BahamutoD's Armory, DeadlyReentry, Deep Freeze, FPS Viewer, Ferram Aerospace Research, Fine Print, KW Rocketry, Kerbal Crew Transfer, Kethane, Kustom Kerbals, Mission Controller 2, Navball Docking Allignment Indicator, NovaPunch, OctaBase, Part Search, Radial Engine Mounts, Remote Tech, Serious Kerbal Business, Strategem, Time Control, TewakableEverything and WernherChecker. However, none of these are the problem because even with them all removed (Including TinkerTime: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/243/Tinker%20Time) it still won't load leaving only ModuleManager to blame. I found the error in the output_log.txt but do not have the knowledge to actually know what's going on. Here it is: http://pastebin.com/pqwFAuEj . Hopefully you can fix this soon (And easily, don't want you guys having to go out of your way ). G2000
  2. Nelien, this GUI sound so good. I've been messing around for days trying to find a tech tree editor that works so I can finally finish up on my mod-pack. I'd be happy to take part in the testing stage for you and could hopefully put it through it's paces, plus, get a usable result! I hope that I can help test this. G2000
  3. This mod/plugin looks very cool, and I downloaded it, but I was just wondering. How the hell does it work . I'm a bit of an idiot when it comes to working out what I'm actually looking at and meant to be doing. I would really like to help except I only just started learning code so I don't really think I can but if you need any testing or the suchlike, I'd be happy to help as I'm using this for my "Modpack" of sorts. Hope that this thing comes together soon. Oh, and that GUI looks really cool! I'd be happy to alpha test that too!
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