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Everything posted by Henduluin

  1. My apologies if I wasn't being clear. I am trying to understand how to select one of the three alternate configurations included with Simplex (specifically the 12-hour one for JNSQ), not downloading/installing Simplex itself. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this from within CKAN, so I imagine I have to do it manually, but I'm not entirely certain on what exactly I have to do.
  2. Heya, Sorry if this should be obvious; I haven't touched the game in years. When using CKAN, how do I set the correct config file? Do I just open the zip, delete the default config file and rename the 12 hour file to that of the default config? Also, double checking as I can't seem to find a confirmation on it in the OP or on the mod site: this fork still has the science-over-time that base Kerbalism has, right? Thanks~
  3. I believe I actually turned the normalizer off right after installing the game, but I'll take another look. Thanks for the heads-up! *edit* Well, after turning the normalizer on and off again (insert tech support memes here), it seems to have fixed itself? Let's hope it stays that way.
  4. Interesting, want to swap installs? As I have the exact opposite problem: No matter what I set the volume sliders to, the engine sounds are deafeningly loud, which is somewhat unfortunate if you want to listen to a podcast while playing. But yeah, something seems a bit wonky with the sound settings right now. I've had music suddenly turn back on midway through a game even though it was supposed to be set to 0%, the spacecraft slider doesn't seem to be doing anything at all right now... Would be nice if someone could look into this.
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