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Everything posted by Catman2021

  1. Thanks guys ! I will download it and KAS then (for some reason, not sure why, I just haven't installed KAS yet).
  2. Apologies in advance if this is a stupid or obvious question, but does Cacteye 2 still need Hull cam and KAS to run? Or can it run without those mods installed? Thank you so much for updating this mod Raven, you're doing great work!!
  3. The Scansat mod is a good alternative, if you want to "work" to discover where biomes are.
  4. I'm really holding out for Stock Resources honestly. I'm loving everything else in the coming update, but Stock Resources will make bases serve a purpose in game (outside of imagination and for the completion of Fine Print contracts).
  5. Wow! It feels like .24 just came out a few weeks ago. All of the hard work that Squad has been doing has really been paying off. So pumped for this update!! Question: Can I ride the HypePlane to the HypeTrain Station? I.E. can I buy a ticket for both (I am that excited)!
  6. Hello everyone . Longtime lurker of the forums here and /r/kerbalspaceprogram as well. KSP was an impulse buy back before there was a solid career, and I felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of parts. However back in September of this year I started playing again and within hours was absolutely hooked. I completed the tutorials, have watched countless hours of videos and tutorials by the incredible Scott Manley (and many of you as well), and now 2 months and 216 hours of gameplay later I have completed another landmark by finally joining the forums (albeit rather late). A little bit about my game history thus far. Haven't made it to any object outside of Kerbin's influence (although I have made it to both the Mun and Minmus numerous times), and working on completing a Kerbin Space Station, have successfully built a working SSTO, and will then work on a permanent Kerbin polar settlement, followed by settlements on the Mun and Minmus, and unmanned and manned missions to Duna and Ike. Thank you so much to everyone on the forums! I've enjoyed learning about both your triumphs and tribulations, and am so happy to see such a welcoming and supportive internet community. Thank you to SQUAD for making an incredible game (and for listening and responding to the ever-growing Kommunity). I look forward to learning far more and taking the journey with you all (on the forums this time) to .90 and beyond! All the Best.
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