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Everything posted by witeken

  1. What are you going to make? How much experience do you have? With wich languages?
  2. You go to the highest apsis and there you increase your speed. He said it in the tut. If you increase/decrease speed at lowest apsis, the altitude at highest apsis will get higher/lower and vice versa.
  3. Banned for unreadable text in avatar. And btw, my avatar is just from Google. edit: lol This is not the banned game thread :$ fail 1/10
  4. witeken

    I are sad

    It\'s your browser. Get Chrome.
  5. Welcome to the KSP forums!
  6. Despite you necro, welcome on the forums.
  7. Yes, all my links are in the favourites toolbar. No desire to change, albeit it\'s slower than Chrome.
  8. Fanart in signature. Description: My idea for a KSP plush. Ofcourse it would be a KSP rocket but this rocket is jsut from google. It\'s a rocket with an engine and a fuel tank and command pod. It contains 3 holes where you can put the 3 official KSP plush mascots in: Bob, Bill and jeb. In the picture they\'re all in the fuel tank + jeb his head in the command pod, but the lowest Kerbal should be in the engine. It\'s just way too much work in paint (Adobe photoshop cs5.1 -- cracked -- is broken ) to change that. Anyway, in version 1.1 (version 1.0 is here) I added a bit more info like the size and some text is rewritten.
  9. This is mine: High Definition backgrounds are High Hefinition. I like HD backgrounds so yeah Don\'t look at the 6 cracked things you can see. TuneUp Utilities 2012 - Minecraft - Advanced System Care - MS Office Word - MW2: AlterIWNet - Fraps
  10. Check signature for awesome KSP screen. Description: My idea for a KSP plush. Ofcourse it would be a KSP rocket but this rocket is jsut from google. It\'s a rocket with an engine and a fuel tank and command pod. It contains 3 holes where you can put the 3 official KSP plush mascots in: Bob, Bill and jeb. In the picture they\'re all in the fuel tank + jeb his head in the command pod, but the lowest Kerbal should be in the engine. It\'s just way too much work in paint (Adobe photoshop cs5.1 -- cracked -- is broken ) to change that. Anyway, in version 1.1 (version 1.0 is here) I added a bit more info like the size and some text is rewritten. edit: sorry, didn\'t know this is screenshots only.
  11. Great. 10USD is a bit too low. It\'s just 7,5 EUR. 15 is 11.3247 EUR. What will the final price be? Around 25 USD would be a good price for the final version. That\'s 18.8870 EUR.
  12. You can\'t change bottlenose engineer. You get something diffirent if you have more posts. But you can change some other things like your signature. You can see find it at profile -> forum profile. Dutch?
  13. Welcome to the KSP forums! Happy KSP playing.
  14. I Win From 0.0 speed (3min25sec) to 61.000.000 m/s. Perfect Kerbol dive.
  15. I thought I would go gently back to my highest apsis. Not. I\'m now going with 1/5th of the speed of light. Proof 3:25 0.0 m/s Top speed, 1/5th speed of light. It seems Kerbol is a round sphere, I was into it as you can see in the picture. (click for bigger picture)
  16. Mission succeeded. I\'m meter away from the sun. My speed is already 2 minutes 0.0m/s. But I saw the the last thing going from 447m to now 443m. I came from Kerbin orbit, to the Mun, to Kerbol orbit, via Mun->Kerbin, to where I am now. I\'m now going to sundive . After that i\'m going to leave the Kerbolar system and after that I return back, safely, to Kerbin, at the KSC. I think I did then mostly everything you can do in KSP in just 1 flight (I also was in Low and High Kerbin Orbit, and Low and High Munar Orbit). EDIT: Stagnated for 3:25. edit2: Go as far away from Kerbol as you can, then brake. (ship was a cheatship)
  17. Let\'s transport some birds to orbit
  18. Achieve a speed of 0.0 meter while in mid-air. points: 1 point/second
  19. Awesome! This should be sticky. Bit I have 2 (or 3) little comments. You should have said something about the atmosphere. Some newbies might not know that you cannot arbit in the atmosphere. Secondly, You also should have said that if you want to get a low orbit from the start, you can warp time till you\'re at apoapsis and burn there to orbit. And one very small last thing. If you want to make it completely newbie friendly, you should have add a craft to it. edit: Welcome to the forums! Fantastic first post
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