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  1. Hey Taxi, very late night found a solution, not very elegant but working, just added RSS Ground stations found in some old mod (RT config for RSS) to Default_setting.cfg the only way to have RO, RSS and RT working all along. Thanks any way
  2. Hi, I need some help here, for some reason I'm not able to make remote tech to work with Real solar System. I've been around since 0.24 and it's first time I struggle for 2 days trying to make this work. I'm installing everthing trough ckan. Tried with and without SETI-config and only works without Real solar system. Any kind of help will be very welcome!
  3. Thanks Nathan, didn't realize that option, but key stuff still there, seems like Kerbin influence area is smaller than it should be, Mun is 390.000.000 Km away, but trying to go further than 77.000.000 Km and trajectory change to kerbin escape. Where should I check "influence area" for each planet? Thanks again!
  4. Hi everybody, well I'm experiencing some kind of issue with RSS config, for some reason I have the right size, distance, and delta v, but my day is still 6 hours long, and when I tried to reach Mun orbit trajectory is marked as kerbin escape a little bit after GEO orbit height so Mun is out of reach =( Does anyone know what's wrong with my ksp? Thanks!
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