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Everything posted by ormaaj

  1. I never felt like saying anything but I've always been bothered by "Biome" as well. The term is being used in a blatantly incorrect way.
  2. Nothing is being set system-wide so there's no need to save and restore anything. Environment variables are per-process (you can't really make a system-wide locale change without rebooting).
  3. Maybe. LC_MONETARY affects strfmon() similarly, and LC_TIME affects strftime() in ways that could cause problems depending on how the game saves things (I'm new). However it looks like it takes some special effort for Unix locales to even influence mono (e.g. generating + setting French locales has no impact on separators without using their Unix libraries): ~ $ LC_MONETARY=fr_FR.UTF-8@euro LC_NUMERIC=fr_FR.UTF-8@euro csharp -pkg:dotnet -e 'Console.WriteLine("{0:c} {1:n}", 123456789.01, 123456789.01);' $123,456,789.01 123,456,789.01 http://www.mono-project.com/archived/internationalization/
  4. Note the scripts on page 1 won't work as intended unless LC_ALL and LD_PRELOAD are already exported by the parent process (unlikely, more likely LANG will be exported, LC_ALL and LD_PRELOAD will be unset). You should export everything you want in the environment in the script prior to calling exec. I'd also be wary about setting LC_ALL=C because of its effects on LC_CTYPE. I don't know why it's being set here but I'd guess it's to get sane collation order. If you really need it, and have a distro that supports the non-standard C.UTF-8 locale, that would be preferable. Otherwise you probably just want to set LC_COLLATE, LC_NUMERIC, and maybe LC_TIME.
  5. I have the same problem in both Windows and Linux, both 32 bit and 64 bit, with or without mods. Anybody know of a workaround? My guess was the GC so it's interesting to find this thread.
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