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Everything posted by Bubbler3D

  1. I would but I've already wiped out all my previous saves when I was troubleshooting the issue so I don't have one to upload anymore. I do still have the original mod files that I downloaded and KSP hasn't been updated yet so I could try and replicate it again when I get some time.
  2. Just thought I'd post this here so that hopefully it get's fixed sometime. I noticed that my alarms from Kerbal Alarm Clock where not saving to my game after I closed KSP down and went through the process of reinstalling KSP and then installing Kerbal Alarm Clock and testing which each and every mod that I use and it turns out that Tarsier was the only mod that was causing any kind of conflict. Not sure what's going on but figured you'd want to know about it. Here is a link to the post I made on the forums under the Kerbal Alarm Clock post, it starts at post #1195 ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24786-0-25-0-Kerbal-Alarm-Clock-v3-0-1-0-%28Oct-26%29/page120 )
  3. Think I have found the offending mod. Looks like Tarsier Space Technology was preventing KAC from displaying any alarms. I've re-installed each mod and then tested KAC in-game after each one and Tarsier is the only one that created the problem and as soon as I deleted the mod from my GameData folder all my alarms came back up when I restarted the game. Guess Tarsier isn't compatible with KAC for whatever reason, I'll let the Tarsier author know about this issue as well so that hopefully they make it play with KAC better.
  4. Not sure what happened but I just did a full clean install again to make sure and re-installed KAC only and it worked fine but when I re-installed all my other mods and it disappeared again in-game and the save file was cleared of all my test alarms. Guess now I'll start adding the mods back in 1 at a time until I find which one is causing the issue. The mods I'm using are MechJeb, Engineer Redux, Astronomer's Visual Pack, Kerbal Attachment System, Kerbal Alarm Clock, DMagic Orbital Science, RasterPropMonitor, Tarsier Space Technology, Chatterer, Universal Storage including module for KAS, Final Frontier, Kerbal Pseudonym, Kethane and RemoteTech. Gonna be a long night lol
  5. Hey I'm having an issue with Kerbal Alarm Clock. Every time I create an alarm it gets deleted when I close the game. I've been checking my save files and have yet to see a single alarm get added. I've also tried uninstalling all other mods except KAC and there was no change. I tried re-installing KSP and only installing KAC and used a different directory (C:\KSP) and still no luck. Other than the alarms being deleted after I shut down the game everything else seems to be working just fine. This is the first and only issue I've ever had with KAC or any other mod I use for that matter. Any help in understanding what is going on here and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to my most recent output_log.txt ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/tlzophplwnn6065/output_log.txt?dl=0 )
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