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    Curious George
  1. Sorry to hear about the burn out, I assume you are in IT in your professional career since you are so proficient here? All I can say is I've been in IT over 35 years and burn out is like one of our annual seasons. In regards to the current issue with TechTree, ThorBeorn has already thrown in the comment I was coming here to post, pointing you at Tech Manager utility. According to the author it is written to be complimentary to Module Manager. The only downside I see to it is that it expects to use a full tree.cfg file and not manage changes to the tree provided as patch files. I have tried running the last pull code from GitHub along with 0.25 and all the mods listed in the WIP thread that would still load along with 0.25. When someone is ready to discuss a bug report on those results just tell me where and when to post it? Mike "Hilsh" (everyone calls me that including my wife) Hilsher
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