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Everything posted by MARINEav8r

  1. Going to Duna, Jool, and Eeloo, joyriding, loveing up the protomolecule and it's ring....
  2. She is one beautiful lady. Purrs like a kitty at 12 Gs.
  3. It's cool that NASA has just launched one of these to the ISS for testing.
  4. Alright, here's my S#!++y entry.... barely made it to orbit, but she got there. Unfortunately, after landing I attempted taxiing under power to the shore and lowered the undercarriage at too high a speed, so I couldn't get wet,stranded,or booty. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="1htE5"><a href="//imgur.com/1htE5">View post on imgur.com</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Kerbal X page Okay, that embed didn't work. Let's try again. imgur album
  5. Whew! It was hard to prevent the atmosphere from ripping my bird apart, but I got it to 1714 before cutting the engine. Craft and pictures on Kerbal X: http://kerbalx.com/USMCAv8r/Speed-challenge-entry-EQS-000-Taz
  6. Alas, during my slingshot around the mun, I neglected to watch my periapsis and crashed. With the ion engines and work, I don't have time to try again, but here is the craft if you want to try it. http://kerbalx.com/USMCAv8r/Air-launch-entry
  7. RULES: The payload must be either deployed radially or dropped out of a cargo bay Yes The payload must be controllable YES No cheaty mods (MechJeb is OK for readouts and flying the plane home, no HyperEdit!) YES No using SSTOs NOPE No debug menu NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL Pics or it didn't happen* I HAVE A DOZENS Airbreathing engines only for carrier plane YES POINTS: The basic point formula is as follows: (-)h + 2t = p, where h = height above atmosphere (.07 Mm) in megameters (averaged of both periapsis and apoapsis, rounded to nearest the nearest tenth), and t = mass of final payload in orbit. Height is negative around non Kerbin planets Plane Fly back (requires flight manager or similar): +20 points COMPLETE Payload has Kerbal aboard: +30 points per Kerbal COMPLETE(1) Payload has science instrument: +10 points COMPLETE Payload has power generator: +10 points COMPLETE Payload has antennae: +10 points COMPLETE Payload is put in orbit around one of Kerbin's moons: +50 points for Mun, +100 points for Minmus IN PROGRESS Payload orbits a planet: +500 points *Minimum Screenshots Plane at launch showing airbreathing engines on the carrier plane. COMPLETE Plane dropping payload COMPLETE Payload burning for orbit COMPLETE Payload in orbit and fully deployed COMPLETE Picture of map mode with periapsis/apoapsis height visible COMPLETE Payload burning for destination COMPLETE Payload orbiting destination IN PROGRESS How do we calculate orbiting the sun? edit: Is it possible to add points together? for example, could I go to the mun (50), then minimus (100), then edge of SOI (84.2)(result=234.2 points)?
  8. Challenge accepted. I'll post the craft and photos on Kerbal X, and post the link. Only mod is KAX for the mothership's landing gear, and the BDA AI for preventing the mothership from crashing while I push for orbit.
  9. Granted. You're caught in it. I wish for a G4 pony
  10. Push it. I can sell it to a collector. You can have $2 Billion, but you live in the Cupcakes (My little Pony fanfic) univese, and Pinkamena has your number....
  11. It features Edward instead of an alacorn. - - - Updated - - - Granted. 20% of it is green and smells like .... I wish for a G4 My Little Pony holster for my .410 judge.... Without clop or gore....
  12. Well, here's all of mine. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115758-Equestria-Shipyards Mostly replicas, but a few designs of my own, including a vessel for Duna
  13. What about part count? Before I download this, I want to make sure my little laptop doesn't die.
  14. Putting them up now. Sorry for the wait!
  15. Welcome to Equestria Shipyards. We have Stock and Mod craft for all of your exploits. Craft that require mods will have said requirements listed. .90 Replica vehicles Solar Impulse II (KAX,Pwing)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hdXktZlZGV3Rva2s/view?usp=sharing Sikorsky X2 (KAX)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hdlZEbFNfeFc3MU0/view?usp=sharing S97 Raider (BDArmory, KAX) https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hbDZvNE5iSFVKTHc/view?usp=sharing F-35B (Quiztech Aero, BDArmory)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hNGkxaGtuZXA2OFU/view?usp=sharing [My Little Pony] Pinkie Pie's Pedal Copter (Pinkie Pie, KAX)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hWVhFd0R0ZGtVR1E/view?usp=sharing MV-22 (KAX, IR)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hUllTaHNFXzVMNXM/view?usp=sharing MIG-21 Fishbed (BDA)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hVjFBZzNlenVnUlE/view?usp=sharing Stock MIG-21 Fishbedhttps://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hTldEVGJSTlVmdWc/view?usp=sharing Concord (Pwing)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hQ2ltbVQ4QXlMREk/view?usp=sharing C-47 Skytrain/ Douglas DC3 (Pwing, KAX)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hby0wVU82dzNJWVk/view?usp=sharing ^Try adding BDA miniguns in the windows to make an AC-47! B-52 (KAX, Pwing, BDArmory)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hZW1taHdyYlZQZms/view?usp=sharing B-36 and Goblin Parasite (KAX, Pwing)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hdG5PLW5KTDlVNWM/view?usp=sharing B-2 Spirit (BDArmory)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hbW9vdHhfdGxhOU0/view?usp=sharing Stock B-2 Spirithttps://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69ha240dHhnMFJPWFU/view?usp=sharing AV-8B Harrier II (KAX, BDArmory) https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hVHc0OGtmbTVOZU0/view?usp=sharing [star Wars] Jedi Starfighter https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hVHQ4S0hBZk02dDg/view?usp=sharing Stock vehicles EQS Amphibious Airlinerhttps://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hRkJDalJJZjFzaG8/view?usp=sharing EQS-8 Braeburn SSTOhttps://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hd3B4bGQtMFJxRGM/view?usp=sharing Mod vehicles EQS Rapier bomber (KAX, BDArmory)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69hcThmQlFObkY2TjA/view?usp=sharing Multi-part vessels EQS Trident (Stock Duna Spacecraft)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/folderview?id=0B-Ou_jUil69hfmh4alFUMkZXYW5SdFpjT2R4eEc1ODVsS2VtTkNzNkM2Vllub0hGb2RhRWM&usp=sharing Munbase (Kerbal Attachment, Extraplanetary Launch, Kethane)https://drive.google.com/a/ttfn.com/folderview?id=0B-Ou_jUil69hfklWYjBjM2t1dk9RNkZ6WmtRVGNLLWlGVkJ6QUhNQV9RbDZWd2RZZGpVcDQ&usp=sharing 1.0 Replicas Boeing 747SP https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Ou_jUil69ha1FRVkdNRk5YcHc/view?usp=sharing View pictures and my full repository here:https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-Ou_jUil69hfjlVc29JR25RdEYxSlBFRTktN1lpbnRfRVFzaS1ZSFlmeFRoWHlKTWZWOE0&usp=sharing
  16. Actually been thinking about this. I have the mod above, but I do want to make a stock one.
  17. How did you make the bearing? Do you have any real control over it?
  18. First off, what is the part on the tail? (It looks like the gimballed A/B on an F-35) Second, is the name of this bird a reference to anything?
  19. Is it possible to build ships in orbit without kethane or karbonite? Each mod I add makes my computer laggier and laggier....
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