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Everything posted by SmartS=true

  1. The solar wind is nonexistent beyond ~100 AU, so could a dwarf planet that far out capture and retain a fairly thick hydrogen atmosphere?
  2. WARNING: Have heard rumors that this site has a virus. I went to it on my parent's computer, which uses Windows 8 and has no antivirus that I know of, and nothing happened. Be careful though.
  3. Hi. I am getting back into KSP after a few months of absence. After I saw that 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 had come out, I opened up the launcher to update it. I waited for at least ten minutes, but it still said "Looking For Updates...". I tried restarting the launcher, my computer, and my modem for several days, but it still won't update. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  4. For the last few days, I had TONS of ads on every page on Google Chrome. I did figure out what was causing it though. This guide is for Windows 8 only. For some reason, McAfee didn't find it, but you need to go to Control Panel and delete the program it is in (I'm pretty sure it was called You are awesome), as well as any other programs that you have downloaded recently. Then, open Google Chrome (which still had the ads on it for me), and go to the menu (the button with three lines on top of each other). Once you open the menu, click on More Tools, then Extensions. Delete the You are awesome plugin (you may or may not see this, the only data I have is from my computer), which will be enabled for both regular and Incognito mode. Delete any other plugins that you have installed recently. I hope that this helps. Bye!
  5. Someone else made a propeller-powered plane. Download here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l1564mzrcai85tw/Warbird.craft?dl=0. Thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105493-Propeller-driven-Warbird.
  6. I have just sent an email to NASA. I hope they do this, even though it is incredibly unlikely.
  7. I have never encountered any KSP haters myself, but they will become more common as the game becomes more popular. This game is about making up things that they might say, and then coming up with ways to neutralize them as much as possible. Here is a template: Person 1: "KSP is not even a game." Person 2: "It is, it just isn't that interesting for you." "KSP is..." I will start. "KSP is made by NASA to make sheeple think that they are actually exploring space instead of making chemtrails."
  8. ? No idea what that is... But just to be safe, don't eat it and run away from it. Waiter, there is a blown-up Falcon 9 first stage in my soup!
  9. From what I got in a quick Google search, Soildworks is a 3D CAD program.
  10. Closed due to the lack of non-zombified people. Will be reopened when some people find it and use it as a base.
  11. There might be methane-based life in the lakes, but we have no idea.
  12. Could we also use KER or MechJeb for the altitude readings?
  13. I wonder what would happen if you tried that on Gilly...
  14. http://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2014/07/28/comment-s-organise-un-deuil-de-la-nation_4463762_4355770.html#liste_reactions
  15. SpaceX. It would be very good for promoting their launchers...
  16. 9/10 no idea what that is. The Wolfcorp VTOL Rover.
  17. Laythe's atmosphere has large amounts of ammonia in it, which keeps it warm enough for liquid water, but also makes the atmosphere poisonous.
  18. I'm just exited to get (partial) maps and other data on Pluto and its' moons.
  19. Building an electric boat with the propeller in a Mk3 cargo bay.
  20. I don't purposely kill Kerbals, and go somewhat out of my way to protect them, but I don't really care about them.
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