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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I don't know if it's just me, but along with using FAR, it's way harder for me to launch rockets with "cannonball" crew module than with the stock one. It makes it nearly impossible to make a gravity turn, the top behaves like it was way heavier. After turning the rocket at ~50-90 m/s there's no way to tweak the angle, it just goes down and stalls. Changing module to stock fixes the issue, although it's heavier than the first one introduced with the mod.
  2. For my multi-stage craft in orbit it looked like all the engines on the way had their exhaust running (though with no thrust) straight and sideways, aswell as all the decouplers had an aura of repeatable "poofs" of gas. Glorious.
  3. The spinning and tearing apart when loading a manned vessel looked entertaining though.
  4. I've encountered an interesting but to TweakScale existance described http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104141-Ship-freaks-out-on-reload . TL;DR version: On restarting the game and entering any craft it is encountering some very interesting forces that tear the ship apart, spinning wildly and messing staging ( for the looks of it - just proceeding till the end ).
  5. It's my first post here in these forums, lurked here for some time until I ran into an issue... I happily played Interstellar and some few auxillary mods ( better atmospheres, TAC fuel balancer etc, Texture managers etc..) and yesterday I unlocked via career tree the Large Argon Container. And it looks somewhat like this. Also, one of the fission reactors was left white (without textures) but it was fixed after I swapped WarpPlugin folder. I tried to re-install mod files, and it did not work. I used search thread option here in this topic, but I found no related results. What's wrong and how can I fix it?
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