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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey there, I'm playing KSP with my friend and we just started^^ And somehow the astronaut and crew system is completely bugged. We're playing modded KSP in Career mode and everything works fine except that. It doesn't disturb us that much, because we don't loose Funds or Reputation, but we can't level up our astroonauts. The bug we have is the following: Everytime we enter the building, the amount of lost, assigned and active kerbals seems to be completely random. Even the kerbals, we just used for a sucessful mission appear to be dead and the limit of active astronauts doesn't change anything. Mostly we have about 20/5 kerbals and they're almost all lost... Did someone have this bug too? Please help:)
  2. So, NEAR was the problem. I tried the original(Ferram Aerospace) but it still didn't work. Nevertheless I chose StationScience instead. Hopefully this incompatibility is soon fixed. Thanks! ;D
  3. Did it load the picture? Here's the list again: Station Science DockingPortAlignment_4.0 PlanetShine-0.2.2 EvaFollower-1.031 NEBULA_EVA_handrails_pack-1.1 KerbalEngineer DarkMultiplayer_Client-v0.1.6.2 KerbinSide-0.39 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-7-4 Astronomer's Visuual Pack - Edge of Oblivion TacLifeSupport_0.10.1.13 SCANsat-v8.0 Kerbal_Mechanics_Part_Failures_and_Repairs-0.4.2 Kerbal_Alarm_Clock- Camera_Tools-1.1 KerbQuake_continued-v1.2.1 Chatterer-0.7.1 ProcFairings_3.10 Magic_Smoke_Industries_Infernal_Robotics-0.19.2 EditorExtensions_v1.4 Neophytes_Elementary_Aerodynamics_Replacement-v1.2.1 DeadlyReentry_v6.1 Time_Control-13.2 Fine_Print-0.59 KAS_0.4.8 Those are the .zip filenames
  4. Hmm I tried to start the game and it kept loading forever. I deleted the .zip file (the "Oldparts" one) and tried again. Now it loads but crashes always. :| Is it compatible with all those mods I have? : It's always so annoying to find the problem with so many mods...
  5. How do I install this? I'm totally incapable to install any mod that hasn't one single, simple GameData folder to copy. Please help, I wanna try this out too!
  6. How do I install this? I'm totally incapable to install any mod that doesn't have a gamedata folder to copy Help please, I wanna try this out too!
  7. Did you find an issue because of your two mods? It's so cool how fast people write in this forum... I know others weher you wait for weeks...
  8. First thing: what colors of stars are already available. Second: Is it compatible with KerbinSide? I had both and tried to launch on the Airplane Carrier... Found myself a quarter orbit behind Kerbol(so very far away from everything...). Do you know the issue? Can you fix it? Is it just my PC or in general not compatible?
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