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Everything posted by Hrv123

  1. Getting 401 error when tryign to download mod. "Unauthorized The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required."
  2. EDIT EDIT: Nwm, figured to solve issue , succeded to copy paste wrong conf file from RO... Stuppid me Keep the good work, enyojing how valuable, dificult and important has become to colect every and each one of science points in carrear with ADIOS
  3. If your temperature didnt go berzerk this sound to me as lacking NB voltage or to low freq. Whenever I had stabile OC but running applications (games) had issues, to slow, not working etc, it was NB not able to cope with OC CPU. Happily runing CPU with stock 3,5+ mhz at stable 4,7 mhz OC, for that +3 fps at KSP ship lanch
  4. Grindanje za spasosima, znanošću i prestižom u karijeri umara da... pogotovo kad se korupta save nakon dan dva pa nanovo sve haha
  5. Worked (looks I mess something with first instalation, I purged it and install it again from glxosd site via sudo comand in terminal, Ubuntu Software center glxosd version not starting becouse of some reason hmm hmm) I barely know what Im doing but I love how linux works. Feeling so enlightend each time something start to work in terminal Thank you EDIT: now half of keybord is suddenly not working in KSP while glxosd is running lol- Now I need a beer... Something with font missing ahhh. Still love linux+beer
  6. Was on TV report on the matter, local gov. is all for it, except Udbina airport is in military property, and ministry of defence faild to privatize all that abandoned military bases at coast all this decades for tourism so going to give this out yeah. People comment was that they dont like it becouse it would destroy their way of life (...) and that its oposition politicians baloon dividing people (...). If all this was not so sad I would laugh my ass...
  7. Just tried it, it start ksp window but it end it asp https://nickguletskii.github.io/GLXOSD/
  8. What? No way ever to hapen, it would endanger some last beawer and group of three green fanatics would stop it, or it would be seen from beach and group of three landowners would stop it, or painting of fence toward lanching pad would cost like rest of entire space program, or to get all needed permits on any level would last till 2045 as all locals will try ato buy and resell land on what to be build, couple of time etc... Only thing that will ever go from Croatia toward space is fart. EDIT: In any case if it have to be in Europe Swis can mostlikelly buy an island entirely in Greece or something.
  9. Hello, some linux noob question here I just recently moved zo linux and Im almost usless with making things start to work My queation is, im using .sh file to start x 64steam version (but not with steam/overlay) ksp with code in it I found on this forum, that should make ksp use two cpu cores for better efficiency. ++++++++ #!/bin/sh export LC_ALL=C exec taskset -c 2-3 ./KSP.x86_64 ++++++++ Now my problem is I want to start ksp with glxosd for fps counter. I just dont know how to add gfxosd into that shell, instructions for runing glxosd are all for either steam luncher or from terminal, but none if you start game from .sh file. I was adding start comand all over the .sh file but nothing work. Help
  10. Is there any mod like this around? flying large stuff is apsolutelly pain whit no way to slow down game time in moments when FPS go south
  11. I heard someone streaming called it spasos. Kerbals use Spasos, its perfectly logical.
  12. Question is, if you put into gamedata folder mods that share module manager file with same number, for example ModuleManager.2.5.9.dll, well you have to overwrite the first version so do that make that earlier pasted in mod broken??????? And would renaming that second dll file into like ModuleManager.2.5.91.dll so and first .2.5.9.dll remains work to have both mods working as intended??? Sorry for nob questions
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