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Everything posted by hokhay

  1. I have installed the 32bits verison of the game and it works perfectly now. So I think the problem is the incomplete of the files. By the way, I am curious why making the 64bits version of the game while it is no advantage and unstable?
  2. Sorry for my bad. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwX638CGu5AlS3VTamM0OU0wcmM/view?usp=sharing Thanks
  3. Thanks for your reply. Here is the output log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwX638CGu5AlRE1RX0lqLWNfdm8&authuser=0 Screenshots https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwX638CGu5AlQmNPTHBNNFRJZ0U&authuser=0 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwX638CGu5AlQmNPTHBNNFRJZ0U&authuser=0 How could I run the game in 32bit? Thanks
  4. Thanks a lot Claw KSP Version: v0.25.0.642 Windows 64-bit What Happens: Craft becomes transparent and cannot be controlled at launch pad. Mods / Add-Ons: None Steps to Replicate: 1) Build a craft using Command Pod MK1 with any booster 2) Goto Launch pad Result: Craft will become transparent and cannot be controlled at launch pad.
  5. Hi all, I am new to KSP and I am now starting my first launch by starting with a Command Pod MK1 and a Solid State booster. However I found that when I transfer from the Space Assembly Centre to the launch pad, my rocket seems to become transparent and all the state icon disappear, so I cannot launch it. Is this a game bug or I miss something? Thank you very much
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