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Everything posted by Mattzz

  1. The plugin is currently only designed to support the displays of the Logitech keyboards. Support for the G13 is a possibility though as it is just a restructuring of the (as of now hardcoded) layout. Edit: Seems some people did originally have it working correctly on the G13.
  2. if you are talking about fonts for what the app prints out then it shouldn't make a difference as it is part of the plugins code if I am reading it correctly. Also I am currently trying to work out a way to detect crashes because this kinda annoys me to when it occasional happens Edit: If anyone knows how to make it crash while still keeping the thing open on their screen... please tell me how you did it. thank you
  3. Yeah pretty sure the problem is that when KSP crashes the plugin doesn't get told and so doesn't uninitialize itself leaving the dll loaded or at least LGS thinking its still alive
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