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Everything posted by SpaceJuice

  1. Granted the fish now explode YOU. I wish for Lololololos
  2. Whats the "delta phisics time on" and what computer are you using?
  3. 10/10 Second message on speaking it when hi-lighted!
  4. 3/10 no idea what you're talking about.
  5. Granted, it's closed now i wish for something random
  6. Granted, you blow up the planet. I wish for a rainbow planet.
  7. 4/10 No history doesn't repeat
  8. 6/10 how do I pronounce that?
  9. I use both FAR and stock. I mostly use stock.
  10. Well, I now of a mod called kerbin-side. ​But do you have a program that can open ksp's .file files?
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