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Everything posted by SpaceJuice

  1. You probably ran out of memory. Remove some mods and it should fix the problem.
  2. What version of the game do you have? x32 or x64. proboly not a mod conflict.
  3. Did you reload a save? I need more details.
  4. 0.20 -advanced orbit maneuvers 0.21-0.24 not much 0.25- first duna, mun & minmus landings. First duna station 0.90- basis of plane making. First Ike landing First attempted mod make that's glitchy. Got a new computer, runs very smoothy 0.25 was a big deal.
  5. I got the craft and saw the farings were made of solar panels and cubic struts wich are phyisicless.
  6. 2/10 I have no words. (except those)
  7. In commmmmmmmingggggggggg!!! Waiter, threre s KSP 1.0 in my soup!
  8. Call the space time condominium to remove them. Wagon 67: I found a popular science. Ninj'd big time!
  9. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waiter, theirs a potato in my soup.
  10. Just replace the Plugin wth the new firespiter plugin. That should fix the problem.
  11. BOOM! Goes wal-mart! wagon 55: I found green iron crown!
  12. Did you merge them? They should merge when you put them in. Did you extract them then put them in? I need more details.
  13. Um, what's that? Waiter, theres a fissle sheld in my soup!
  14. It makes the flaver more explosive. Waiter, theres a waiter in my soup!
  15. get in and prepare for big boom!!! Wagon 17: It contains a nuke. (Hence, the reply.)
  16. granted, Error code: 404 I wish that there is no error code: 404
  17. Some stuff in some areas are missing in the .sfs like actions and part data. Without those the ship would not load and be skiping the that area then moving on. So the file might be corrupted. The bad thing is you can't fix the .sfs I hope I helped.
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