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Everything posted by Akaishi_

  1. You might want to make your trajectory more horizontal, that gives you more time to slow down, and in 1.1 you unlock drogue chutes earlier, so that will help as well.
  2. I think Aeroshells just save as a part, and the procedural bits of it aren't counted. This annoys me too, when I have interstage fairings.
  3. Do you take SmartRider cards, or do I need a ticket?
  4. Yeah, I really value my Kerbals. After I unlock probe cores with SAS, I stop using kerbals entirely, they're too precious.
  5. Looking at the comments, I'm very happy people are using the code I pointed out, it actually came from this guy.
  6. Where can I find the download links for these wonderful relics? Or are they lost in the void where the kraken hath consumeth them forever?
  7. $21 doesn't seem like a lot, considering that I would have to pay that much for a Licensed action figure. $21 doesn't seem like that much, considering I would have to pay that much for a licensed action figure.
  8. Psst. For $5 off, use the promo code: Kraken.
  9. Hi, I posted some issues with the mod on Reddit last night, and as a follow up, I changed density settings, turned on and off godrays and eclipses, tried it on a fresh install, tried it on a heavily modded one, no difference, the coloured lines still appeared. However, they only appeared in atmo and on LKO, I could not see them from the moon. Just to jog your memory:
  10. Suggestion: Q: Why don't my SSTO spaceplanes get into orbit? A: You might not have enough fuel, or too much weight, only 1 tank of jet fuel per 2 ramjets/RAPIERs is necessary. In terms of speed, you want to fly at a 10-25 degree angle until you reach about 800m/s and are at 10km, then tilt up to 30 degrees until you are at 25 km. You should then accelerate until you reach 1km/s (1,000m/s)-1.2km/s, before pitching to 25-35 degrees again. This should kick you into orbital velocity, from then on it is up to you to circularise at the desired altitude. Feel free to edit my answer, hope this helps your guide.
  11. Funny you should mention that, because that's exactly what it is; a Robin Reliant. I have already seen your van, and it looks fantastic.
  12. Then the propet Werner said to his disciple Bob, "Tell me, what can I do for you, before I am taken up to Eeloo away from you." Bob replied to him: "Let me have a double portion of your struts". "What you have asked is difficult, but if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours" said Werner. As they were Talking, Kerbal Xes and Aethersprites surrounded him, and Bob cried out "My tutor, my tutor, the pilots of Kerbintia!" and Bob saw him no more. Then he took hold of his lab coat and tore it in two. Excerpt from 2 Jebadiah 2.
  13. Ask, and ye shall receive, Kubelwagens, that is. Full album:http://imgur.com/a/wPdU7 Craft file: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/the-lvc-kerbalwagen-type-182
  14. My Three-wheeler looks nowhere near as cool as yours! Although to be honest, I'm not sure how a van could ever be cool, even in space.
  15. Here is the crash report, I didn't notice it earlier. https://www./?9p0f322m48untu4
  16. KSP Version:, Win7 32bit, Steam version What Happens: Crashes instantly whenever I click on a building, making it impossible to play. Mods / Add-Ons: None Steps to Replicate: Update to the version shown above, and if you're are unlucky like me (as no one else seems to experience this problem.), you will crash upon clicking a building. Result: A crash, that does not leave a crash report. Fixes/Workarounds: None found so far. Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files: This cripples the game, all my computer specs are above recommended, and this did not happen in any versions of 0.24. Until this bug is fixed, is there a way to downgrade to 0.24?
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