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    Curious George
  1. Hey Softweir! Thanks so much, totally makes sense now! :-) I had it in my head that I used to put 90° to launch to the east but obviously not. The penalty for coming back to KSP after a while of not playing! Regards Matt
  2. Hi All Please excuse me if this has already been answered or looked at. I've had a search but couldn't find much and what I did find I tried to no success. I have a clean install of KSP 1.3.1 (64bit) and the latest stable version of Mechjeb 2.6.1 installed. In my install, when using the ascent module the inclination is out by 90°. When set at 0° it runs the rocket out to the East and if I put 90° it will run the rocket out to the North. (picture here > https://www.dropbox.com/s/m54mt12aovcm50h/mechjeb.png?dl=0 ) Interestingly this also happened with the Gravity Turn mod & i've tried downgrading to KSP 1.3.0 and it still happens, am I missing something really obvious? KSP is installed through Steam. Had a load of Mods installed but deleted all, reinstalled KSP and tried again with a clean install. I'm sure this isn't correct?? Does anyone have any troubleshooting ideas? I've uploaded my output_log.txt file to Dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3mp8kxk52evrunt/output_log.txt?dl=0 Thanks so much in advance for any help anyone could give! Regards Matt
  3. Hi All, First post to the Forum!!! :-) I've been a long time lurker but never posted or registered up until this point. Firstly, I just stumbled onto this mod after watching the Scott Manley video and immediately downloaded it (It is awesome, thanks Ethernet!!); but I wonder whether any of you kind folks could give me some pointers with adding this mod/plugin to other parts? I'd like if possible to create a Module Manager file to add this mod into the Kerbal Shuttle Orbiter System space station parts (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-0-25-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System-v4-09/page116); there is a labratory and hydroponics lab which I'd love to use with my game but for the life of me I just can't seem to work out how to do it. I've looked at the CFG's of Ethernet's parts and can see Module entries in them, is it these I add into the MM file?? If someone could give me an example or point me in the right direction that would be great!!! I'm slowly reading my way through the KSOS post's to see if anyone has done this previously and of course trying to get my head around the MM forum post as well. Hopefully, someone could point me in the right direction.... Thanks Matt
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