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Everything posted by Kesa

  1. Trying again with only KCT and engineer, and can't reproduce the bug. That should not come from kct. Damn ! I can no more reproduce the bug : tryed with all mods but thre, then with that 3 mods +kct and engineer (the bug was craft specific, and that craft had engineer parts), using always the same save folder, then restore my GameData, and could not reproduce the bug. If it ever happen again, I'll try to better analyse it, until then, I think you can ignore my previous post.
  2. Hello, I'm having a bug in 1.0.3 (ksp 0.25) : after editing a craft and returning to space center, my camera get locked toward the sph : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=350766451 Also the time passes normally and can be warped, but when I pass the cursor over KCT gui, it gets definitely paused. I can switch to the vessel, but external camera command are locked. I can still switch between map/normal/IVA. IVA works fine, orbital map doesn't : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=350766485 Here is the log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/7uh6ci6z3xho40n/output_log.txt?dl=0 Similar bugs have already been reported, but I haven't seen any workaround, or log (though I did not searched extensively through the 72 pages of this thread), and it seems to be triggered without apparent reason, but not randomely : I can reproduce this bug ever and ever on my save that I backed up on purpose (I can upload it if you wish) Also, here are the mods I use (more precisely, I stupidely copy and paste the name of folders in my GameData) : 000_Toolbar ActionGroupManager CIT CommunityResourcePack Engineer EnhancedNavBall FinePrint JSI KerbalAlarmClock_2.7.8.2 KerbalConstructionTime MissionControllerEC NASAmission NavyFish RemoteTech RSSBuild Squad StageRecovery ThunderAerospace +ModuleManager (which does not appear in GameData) I'll try without them
  3. Vessels/parts recovery is already very well handled by KCT (Parts and crafts inventories), but sure that's a very good idea, and KCT is a great mod. Dunno what do you mean with ressources. don't they already return funds? Would you like to use them directly for builing (not selling them and reducing time construction)? Imo the time to process raw materials into rocket should be the same, no matter if that materials come from the earth or from anywhere else (what's more, Kethane is meant to be a fuel like ressource, and already can be processed in situ).
  4. And exploring KSC biomes is way funnier than making your 100-th of "testing part X at altitude H and speed V", where X, H and V are incompatible in any usefull regular craft. I don't think scouring KSC is that much rewarding, I would be very surpised to see more than 200 collectible science points, wich are way faster achieved with EVA reports around kerbin, mun, minmus and Kerbol. So I don't feel it's unbalanced. Anyway, this is a sandbox game, so if you feel like completing the tech tree in the first kerbin's days, spend hours of making test contract, if you feel bored of the numerous biomes of minmus and the mun, go interplanetary, if you feel making science at ksc is op, just don't do it (or even go for mods like Btsm), but if you like mission reports and easter egg, you surely want to visit the 30 ksc biomes.
  5. Yes, tweakables are great, but aren't the most interssing way of increasing level. Fine Print (if not stock) should have tweakables for point 1. 4.and income (TV sat, duna photos tweeting...). Sadly, I don't know any mod that does it. 6. Communication network Remote Tech also is a great mod for making satellite usefull, and interplanetary mission more difficult in an interessing way
  6. Don't if tthis formula has changed since or so, but it also seems that the minimum of reputation power is 1. Anyway, thanks! I'm pretty new to this forum, searched the thumb up button a short while and thought it did not exist.
  7. Maybe customizable categories. Don't remember the name of the mods that do that, but it definetely needs to be stock. Prior to money, ssto were "UP", now they are OP.
  8. Wow, nice topics, and excellent entries. I was looking for a challenge which promotes and low tech designs. I'll have a try!
  9. I wanted to do a tier 0 SSTO. One pod, one chute one engine and the good amount of fuel can make it. However landing is hazardous (pods on top of a very long thin rocket, sounds bad), therefore, I made landing legs out of grider segments. I launch my rocket and realize it was too heavy to make it into space (100+kg each grider !!). Alright, fine, I've got landing legs. Well, they are not of much use in water. I gently 'landed' vertically and then bounced and splashed horizontally, with the command pod destroyed. Pods definitely have to be at the bottom of rockets.
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