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Everything posted by SuperTechmarine

  1. Will try that tomorrow. BTW, what mod has that F-22 style cockpit with the intakes? The first one from the left on the fourth row from the top, I mean. If it works I might replace my superonic inlets with that, saving me space and parts and RAM.
  2. I added a metric crapton of heavy struts (220.000 strength) to reinforce the fuselage, wings and booms and it cannot break. I did a 180 on elevators at Mach 1.5 and it did not disintegrate, I consider that a success. I will put up screenshots of the CoM and CoL as well as flight data soon. Also, would adding Lerx (canards that control the airflow) work in FAR and reduce the stalling issues? EDIT: Added canards beside the nose, rotated the rear stabilizers so it faced downwards at 45° and added wing-tips to the wings. Still stalls on elevator turns and pitches up if I turn off SAS. Link to album of stalling screenshots and CoM, CoL and CoT.
  3. The struts fixed it, thanks for the advice. Now I just have to fix it stalling every time I turn and the "nose-pitching up all the time" issue. Welp.
  4. The struts fixed the tailplane. Now I just have to fix it stalling all the time I try to turn.
  5. The wing mass is about 2.0. And it does that at low speeds yes.
  6. In my endeavor to produce a P-38/Sea Vixen hybrid, I ended up running into a slight problem. The "spoiler wings" keep clipping into each other while the wings wobble up and down as well, destroying any semblance of stability. The center of lift is a little above and behind the CoM. Mods used: FAR, B9 Aerospace, KW Rocketry, Chatterer and BD Armory.
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