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Everything posted by scifi6546

  1. Welcome I hope you enjoy the game as much as I enjoy the game:D
  2. 41 we NEED ​negative numbers
  3. What does that say? I am at school and that is blocked.
  4. There is no way to see, i would just wait and make a backup, thankfully ksp (thanks a lot squad ) is a drm free game.
  5. I have 16 gigs of ram a 750ti and an amd fx 9-something thousand. I run world machine a very cpu intensive program on my computer and I thought it was time to upgrade to a better CPU.
  6. You will not have the free time to say goodbye.
  7. I would build a computer, you could get a computer that could run ksp as well as other games that you probably discover you like. A 600 dollar pc could probably run ksp well.
  8. I do not play ksp on a mac but I would try turning up the shadow quality, It could be quite low.
  9. you have to do a very slow gravity turn, start the gravity turn right after you launch.
  10. I thought that was related to whinie the poo. Instead I got a tank, I like the tank though.
  11. I would just start posting and lurking around the forums. Welcome to the forums!
  12. does anyone have ksp version .21 that I can download I want to play old versions of ksp, here is proof of my ownership of ksp http://steamcommunity.com//id/scifi6546/. Thanks for your help! (mods do not ban me I am not pirating)
  13. just put up a sigh saying "trespassers will be shot survivors will be shot again"
  14. windows ten is supposed to have worse performance than windows 8.1. I would recommend windows 8.1, it has better performance than windows 7.
  15. I would recommend elite dangerous, it is expensive though.
  16. The Idea was that the game would crash due to running out ram.
  17. Welcome Kerbonauts the challenge is to make the game crast the fastest due to the heating glitch. May the best kerbal win. Rules 1. Stock only, I am not allowing any mods because mods may increase the amount of ram used. 2. You must provide screenshots or a video, and a craft file. 3. Computer must have mote than 4 gigabytes of ram 4. game would have to crash due to runnning out of ram Leaderboard 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  18. I cant move the thread but this belongs in support modded instals, Welcome to the forums!
  19. I honestly hope that KSP does not become like minecraft, the thing that destroyed minecraft in my opinion is Youtube. Youtube brokeup the minecraft community, plus Youtube has no accountibility for trolls.
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