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Everything posted by SpaceBoss11

  1. Capital tech industries has allied with HKA due to the fact that GMI has invaded our homeland. because of this war, our security has been severely damaged. We mean to end GMI and we will with our ships, the Vespid, and the Mako. The Vespid is a heavy destroyer that is meant for interplanetary operations. It carries 1 SRB missile, and 4 small smart Missiles. It also carries 3 mako light fighters, and has a max crew of 8. The mako light fighter is armed with one 50 cal. machine gun, and is meant to be based in the Vespid. And here are the downloads: http://www./download/hwtc1iee65sxe9s/CTI+mako+light+fighter.craft http://www./download/ma6vaai4otw8ddx/CTI+vespid+capital+ship.craft Capital Tech Industries: making a better tomorrow.
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