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Everything posted by Glumrug

  1. I'm having trouble completing the first contact and would love any input. I have apparently completed all the objectives, but they aren't turning green. They all have Antennas, 4 powered dishes (one aimed at both other satellites) the other 2 are not being used yet. They are named CommSat I, II, III. Any ideas? *edit* Ok, I feel like an idiot. I didn't know I had to have each satellite transmitting to itself as well. I Just wasn't getting what it meant by Target : Active Vessel. Once I did that on all 3 everything turned green and completed. It even makes sense, because the test is basically making sure the satellite has the power to run enough dishes.
  2. I'll just have to suck it up then! It's pretty fun. I started a new hard career game with the RO and it just feels brutal at low tech. It is much more expensive to get into orbit, and most of the good engines are single ignition. It's hard to recover middle stages because they tend to burn up before you can get your payload into orbit and deal with them.
  3. This might be a silly question, but this if my first time using many of the included mods (Everything with out an asterisk, StageRecovery and Kerbal Construction time) and I'm having a couple problems. I've tried to read all the faqs for all the mods, but there is a lot of info once you consider how much is going on in total realism. Engine Ignition - Is there any way to get more than 1 ignitor into an single ignition engine? How does the ignitor toolbox work? Reload during EVA? Throttle - Graphically throttle is working. But fuel consumption doesn't noticably change between 10% and 100% throttle . Is throttle supposed to be disabled on some engine types?
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