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Everything posted by ilo

  1. Today I started a new unmanned mission to study the ¨dark¨ side of the mun. It is interesting because I have no idea what will I discover.. I prepared all the required components in advance, and spent a few weeks waiting for the dusk to come.. here it is!!!
  2. Congrats!! docking is quite tricky but you are doing great!!
  3. hey, what is that? parts to paint kerbol system?
  4. wow, what do you mean with medium sized here? lol that is huge!
  5. I was using excel too with inputs from other bunch of different tools. This tool is simply perfect!
  6. Today I built this: More details will come.. as soon as I get this into orbit.
  7. So, back again to Space Station building.. this time using only the shuttle "STS-4 Inigma" (no prop or control system on the different space parts). Three modules in here (two launches): habitat with life support, plus the emergency/return pods (eject, point retrograde and stage).
  8. Hi! after some struggling about the limits because of the physics bubble I think I've found a solution that would actually improve the way some things are done right now. What if Squad adds an attribute to the vessel or some parts to enable/disable physics influence? by default state on the release, the bubble size can be increased up to infinite, and automatically disable physics on vessels that are far from current (active) vessel (2.5km as it is now). That distance check is currently being performed so the new approach should just not affect the performance, not that much as to be considerable. Now it is the time for mods to enable/disable or change the way the ships/parts are included in the physic calculation list. I can think of some of these: - high profile gaming pcs can have more physics if they have the power for that, it is their choice. - enable physics for vessels on atmosphere (or just parts of them) i.e. those having parachutes. - disable physics (even if within the bubble) on vessels when they are controlled by other player or AI (e.g. multiplayer instances), because physics should only be computed once. - a mod could provide AI to fly vessels while the player is focused on other things in the other side of the kerbol system. Just an idea..
  9. Just used Inigma´s STS-4 to rescue crew and cargo from the last STS-2 failed mission. Such an amazing STS btw! - - - Updated - - - @macollo, that render is so cool.. keep up the good work!
  10. wow, I have to test this one ASAP! Thanks Inigma, i will start a new space race using only the shuttle just because of your work.
  11. I love the Zephyr STS II, however due to lack of fps the staging broke the main container and I had to complete the first module with it attached. I had to EVA to extend the solar panels due to RemoteTech and the control-less module.
  12. Thank you!! problem "solved".. sort of! Next steps: - find those mods - find more information about the "physics bubble"
  13. Hi there! I'm working on the space station, providing (this time) with safety for the kerbals (Sorry for that!!!). I've included a few emergency capsules to return back to kerbin, I tried them and then.. well.. :'( POOR KERBALS!!!! I tested one pod.. Decoupled, throttled retrograde.. atmosphere reentry was ok, parachute worked. Good. CHECK! Tried the same while focused on other vessel resulted in a dead kerbal. From my understanding the physics and parachute will only work if the vessel is the 'active' one, right? Otherwise it will just entry the atmosphere and crash into kerbin without hesitation. If this is the case, what is the best approach to surpass this situation? On an emergency I'd like to send all pods back to kerbin, but I think it will not be safe to send all of them at the same time, right?
  14. I've been playing a little bit, trying to improve my crappy maneuvering skills (not today, but these past days). Returning from Duna to Kerbin in a single shot (first attempt).. Gravity assisted and aerobraking Returning from Duna to Kerbin in a single Burn (small on course correction).. this time aerobrake will make sure the probe hits the ground! I've been playing with small orbiting "aids", not trying to reach too far: Being assisted by the Mun to get a Kerbin orbit close to the Mun (this was a test for a mission I'm planning): And the infamous "single safe shoot to Mun orbit": Not too impressive in the visuals, I know, but quite fun!!!!
  15. Will keep trying to find something and digging around for more info, but seems a very funny project to work in! I'll keep waiting for more answers a couple of days before setting as answered. Thank you
  16. Ok, so... from what I've seen until now, the -tracking- options is the only method to identify what 'objects' may have a colliding trajectory on kerbin.. My question is, is there any mod/setup/whatever where I can just have a one or a few probes flying around detecting these objects and informing when a collision path is found? Trying to get my daughter introduced into the N.E.O. and P.H.A. detection and I haven't found anything yet. If there is no any solution I'd develop it, just need guidance on what are the current options. I want a system to automatically detect the impacting objects only, without having to go to the station and track all of them manually. Thank you in advance.
  17. After some searches, I haven´t found yet the purpose of this icon. Any help or guide? I´ve found guides for the navball, editor and other huds, but not for the main screen hud at all.
  18. I'm working on something close to this for custom challenges, but I just started.. still long way ahead.
  19. Hello! At this point I'm not sure this is really a cosmetic bug, but I'd gladly accept this as a suggestion.. A training scenario can define a custom image, title and even a link when the scenario is listed, however all of them are listed using the same icon. It is interesting that other game areas already consider the type of scenario when creating the listings: I don't have a clear idea on what to suggest, but any of the following ideas would be great: - change the icon to match the "Mode" defition from the sfs file: 0 SANDBOX, 1 CAREER, 2 SCENARIO, 3 NON RESUMABLE SCENARIO - Include a parameter in the sfs to specify the icon for this game (defaulting to -Mode icon- if the parameter is not set). now.. Fight!!
  20. Hi! I tried to find this plugin in curse.com (http://www.curse.com/search/ksp-mods?search=mission) neither in kerbalstuff. What is the current status? because I can't seem to find it anywhere, not even googling.
  21. Hi, it might take a while, but if anyone else is showing interest, I'd take over the interactive in-game tutorial plugins: Docking / Rendezvous / Moon Travel. I guarantee a slow learning curve, but I'm keen to start working.
  22. I'm new, totally, to the game and the forum. A friend recommended this game several times, but it was the past week when hi finally got me inducted.. and now me and my 7 years old kid are impressed and very interested in having more and more fun with it, not only because of the game, but the community around it. Chapeu!!! I'm not a fanatic gamer, just play casually, but in this case I'll do an exception. As a developer, and having a kid playing the game, I assume I will bump some old 'training' threads eventually.. I have a plan on that! Cheers! PS: I think I don't have more youtube videos left, time to read the whole forum LOL
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